8.1.5. All

ekekegyiɛkɛekekeʤíɛ́kɛdial. var.okekegyiɔkɛNder. ofɛkɛ-gyi-adv.every dayEkekegyiɛkɛ kebi anfɩ desu. Every day this child is crying.Ekekegyiɛkɛ bakɛ a, abatɛ bʋtɔbɔn.Every early morning, roosters crow.
fɛ́ɛ́fɛ́ː(H) adj.allTsu fʋ nwʋlʋ amʋ fɛ́ɛ́ ba mɩ ankɩ. Bring all your papers here in order for me to look at them.Tsu fʋ atogyihɛ amʋ napʋ ha fʋ amʋ fɛ́ɛ́ ba mɩ ankɩ.Bring all the food that I gave you for me to look at.Fɛ́fɛ mʋ́ fɛ́ɛ́. You(s) will sell them all.Atɔ amʋ fɛɛ mbwɛ amʋ a, nabwɛ mʋ́ fɛ́ɛ́, tamɛ napan kʋlɛsʋ. The things you said I should do, I made, I made all but I missed one.8.1.5All
-gyi-ʤíadj.bound morpheme indicating each somethingokekegyiɔkɛevery dayOkekegyiɔkɛ bakɛ a, abatɛ bʋtɔbʋn.Every early morning, roosters crow.Osunapʋ amʋ ɔbɛɛ nyebi amʋtɔ okugyiɔkʋ ɔba.The teacher said that any one of the children should come.Kɩta ɔbwɩ amʋ okugyiɔkʋ ba mɩankɩ amʋ́.Catch and bring every animal to me so that I can look at them.kugyieverythingTsu atɔ amʋ kugyikʋ ha oyin amʋ.Bring everything for the man.ɔkpagyiɔkpaevery wayƆkpagyiɔkpasʋ a, fʋ klɛ ma nʋ.In every way you are guilty.ɔhagyiɔhaeverybodytogyieverythingcfokugyiɔkʋeveryone8.1.5All
hwɩɩhʷɪːʔunspec. var.hywɩɩFrom:Akanhween.nothingDaka kpan tse obutɔ. Hwɩɩ ma mʋ́ tɔ. An empty box is in the room. Nothing is in it.Asi olu wa, nyankpʋsa megyi hwɩɩ.We should stop hating, people are nothing.cfkʋkʋ2nothingtɔtɔnothing8.1.5.2None, nothing
ɩkʋɪkʊ pl.akʋcontr.21pro.a certain thingAtsulii gyihɛ amʋ ɩkʋ aná gyi: mpionkɛntɛ . . . Some kinds of edible mushrooms are: mpionkɛntɛ . . .Nɔyɔ ɔtɩnɛ ɩkʋ. I will go somewhere.cfkugyikʋeverythingɔkʋcertain one8.1.5.1Somecomp.ofikʋlast yearder.ɔkʋcertain one2adj.some; an indefinite amount
ɩkʋlɛɪkʊlɛʔ dial. var.ɛkʋlɛSunspec. var.ɔkʋlɛcontr.kʋlɛadj.each; one; onlyAtɔ amʋ fɛɛ mbwɛ amʋ a, nabwɛ mʋ́ fɛ́ɛ́, tamɛ napan kʋlɛsʋ. The things you said I should do, I did them all all but I missed one.cfɔkʋnone8.ʋlɛone placecomp.kua kʋlɛsingle
koko1kokoadj.noneTsitsa koko ma ɩnʋ.There is nothing bad., nothingder.kokooko2none
kokooko2 der. ofkoko1REDUP2adj.none of themAtɔ amʋ fatɩtɩ amʋ fɛ́ɛ́, kokooko ma ɩnʋ. Of things you asked for, none of them were there.Nyebi amʋtɔ kokooko ma woyitɔ. None of the children are in the house., nothing
kpeink͡péĩ́ː adv.at the exact timeYinki ba donyɔtɔ kpein. Come back here at exactly two o'clock. of the day8.1.5.8Exact
kugyikʋkúʤíkʊ́pro.everythingcfɩkʋ 1certain8.1.5All
kʋkʋʋkʋkʊkʊːkʊder. ofkʋkʋ2REDUP2n.none at allAtɔ amʋ fafɩtɛ amʋ fɛ́ɛ́ kʋkʋʋkʋ ma nʋ.None of the things you have asked for are there.Nyebi amʋtɔ ɔkʋkʋʋkʋ ma woyitɔ.None of the children are at the house., nothing
kʋkʋ2kʊkʊ n.the particular thing sought is not thereKʋkʋ ma ɩnʋ. Nothing is there.cfhwɩɩnothingtɔtɔnothing8.1.5.2None, nothingder.kʋkʋʋkʋnot at all
kʋraakʊ́ráː From:Akankʋraaadv.1not at allNyankpʋ amʋ metepi tswie nfɩ kʋraa. If didn't even rain a little bit here., nothing2even thoughNɩ ɔmɛba kʋraa a, abɔ́yɔ. Even though he didn't come, we will go.If he didn't come at all, we will go.
nkʋlɛŋkʊlɛadj.aloneƖlasi Kwaku Kebi nkʋlɛ amʋ woyitɔ nʋ.Remaining Kwaku Kebi alone in their family., alone8.1.5.7Only
nya obu amʋ manta ph. v. ofnya 2obu2manta 1v.partially close the door8.1.5.6Almost6.5.2.4Door7.3.6.1Shut, close
okugyiɔkʋokuʤiɔkʊn.every person; every animal; every one oof animate objects like starsLehian ánɩ́ kebi okugyiɔkʋ obobu mʋ sɩ wanklaan mɛnɩ mʋ sɩ ɛ ɔbɛ́kɩ mʋ bi sʋ.It is necessary that every child will respect his father so that the father also looks after his child well.cf-gyi-every8.1.5All
ɔbakʋlɛɔbakʊ́lɛn.one person4.1.6.3Alone8.1.5.7Only
ɔhaaɔhaː n.no oneIgye ɔhaa mɔyɔ ndɔ, tsufɛ oli bʋ wulutɔ. Yesterday no one went to farm because there was a funeral in town.Ɔhaa ma nʋ. No one is there.Megyi ɔhaa nɩ.It isn't anybody., nothing
ɔkpagyiɔkpaɔk͡paʤiɔk͡pan.every wayƆkpagyiɔkpa sʋ a, fʋ klɛ ma nʋ.It's completely your fault.In every way yours is not there., route8.1.5All
ɔlaku ɔkacomp. ofɔlakuɔka2n.that is allAnɩ ɔlaku ɔka nɩ.This is all that we have to say (to) or do (for you).8.1.5All
ɔlalaɔlalan.no word or thing (to say)Asʋn anfi fapʋ gyi mɩ a, mma ɔlala ánɩ́ nɛ́blɩ.The thing that you have done to me, I have nothing to say.Kebi ánɩ́ omeyin ɔlala tɔpʋ sapa klɩ ngya.A child who knows nothing uses a cobra to tie firewood.cfɔlakueverything8.1.5.2None, nothing
ɔlakuɔlákun.everythingcfɔlalanothing8.1.5Allcomp.ɔlaku ɔkanothing more
ɔtɩnɛgyiɔtɩnɛɔtɪ́nɛʤíɔtɪ́nɛ́n.everywhereƆtɩnɛgyiɔtɩnɛ anfɩ a, otsiakpa igyi.Everywhere is a place to stay.8.5Location8.1.5All
1pɛ́ adj.onlyAgbodi nenya biasʋ. I only got cassava at the market.Antkɛkɛ2as many as8.1.5.7Onlyder.pɛpɛɛpɛexactly
pɛpɛɛpɛpɛ́pɛ́ːpɛ́ der. of1REDUP2adv.exactlyƆlɔbwɛ mʋ agyʋma amʋ pɛpɛɛpɛ. He did his work exactly right.Atɔ amʋʋ lɔfwɩ amʋ pɛpɛɛpɛ nɩ.That is exactly the lost things.
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