
bibibíbiʔpl.abibider. ofbi1REDUP2adj.blackKwankwadabi ɔma igyi bibi, mʋ kantɔ igyi fututu. The crow's back is black, it's chest is white.Klankpa ɔma igyi bibi, mʋ kantɔ igyi fututu.The crow's back is black, it's chest is white. bibimushroomcomp.tsankasɩ bibiblack earthworm
bi1bíʔ v.to become blackNɩ fosutin, ɩmɛtɩn a, obugya tɛkpa tɩa nʋ. Ɔlɔ amʋ ta a, ɩnʋ tebi. If you stub your toe and it isn't cut, the blood gathers together there. When the sore is finished it becomes black.Ogyasi amʋ labi gyadɩ amʋtɔ ɩnʋ tuun.Smoke has completely blackened the kitchen there.cfbiladarken8.
fuli1fulív.to whitenNafwɩ mɩ atadɩɛ fututu amʋ lɔkpɔɩ amʋ, ɩlafuli fututuutu. I have washed my white clothes that had become dirty, they have whitened to a bright white.Nana nwunsʋ imi lafuli fututuutu. Nana's hair has become very white.
fututufutútú adj.whiteMbʋ kufa fututu ɔkʋ. I have a white sheep.Obroni gyi ɔha fututu.A European is a white man. fututusilverder.fututuutuvery whitecomp.nta fututu
fututuutufútútúːtúder. offututuREDUP2adj.bright whitecfhʋnanaanabright white9.3Very8.
hʋnanaanahʊ́nánáːnáadj.bright whitecffututuutuvery white8.
kɔɔkɔː adv.very redƖlapɛ kɔɔ. It became very red.Mʋ ansɩ lapɛ kɔɔ, sʋ fowun mʋ a, srɩ ɔsasʋ. He's really angry, so if you see him, run fast!
kpa2k͡páʔ v.1to gather something togetherKpa ipi amʋ tsitsa. Gather the rubbish and throw it away.cfkʋlacollecttɔsɩ1pick uptsu1pick7.5.1Gatherph. v.kpa tɩagather2to push something togetherKpa ɔda sun. Sit with chin in your hand. spring a trapYibi amʋ lakpa. Ɔma iteyinki Things return to what they were before.The trap has sprung. It returns back.6.4.2Trap4to lead someone somewhereKpa mʋ ya! Take him away!Lead him there.akufa ɔkpashepherdcfyasend7.2.5.3Guide4.5.3.1Lead5to rub something on something elseƆlɔpʋ ofobi kpa mʋ ɩbɩ sʋ. She applied pomade to her arm.cfkpita 2rub7.7.5Rubder.kpakpa2rub6to fadeTati pɛpɛ lakpa bwɛ fututu. The red cloth has faded to white. become clear or light8.3.3.1Shine2.3.1.6Transparentph. v.kpa ogyasparkle8to take off (cloth); to take off a (man's) cloth.Kpa tati.5.3.7Wear clothing9to remove something; flay skinFʋ bi ɔkɔ dinka fʋ obiansʋ a, bʋtamapʋ ɔdayi ka mʋ́. Mpʋsa bʋtɔpʋ kpa mʋ́.Don't be harsh with / over-react to someone under your care; Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.If your child defecates on your thigh, don't cut it off with a knife. A sponge is what you use to remove it. something from somewhere5. shell, skin8.5.3.1Absentcomp.kpa nwunshave headɔwʋlʋ-kpakpaleather
ntsalabint͡salabiʔn.black spot as on a banana or on mangoMango amʋ lada ntsalabi. Sʋ, ɩlawa agyilɛ. The mango has black spots so it has become good to eat. of plants
oyipɛ tatioyípɛ̂ʔ tati(H)comp. ofoyipɛtatin.cloth dyed with tree barkGentaticlothcfɔmlawɩcloth8. color6.6.1.1Cloth
ɔhradaɔhrádan.white clothƆhrada bʋtɔpʋ bɩn afadafɔ ntadɩɛ.They use white cloth to sew (Catholic) Fathers' cassocks.
pɛpɛpɛ́pɛʔ adj.1redBʋtɛdɩda tatɩ pɛpɛ la oli. They wear red cloths for funerals. of the spectrumcomp.ɩfla pɛpɛvineɩka pɛpɛgrass, redɩlɔ pɛpɛleprosysika pɛpɛgold2ripe1.5.6Growth of plants
2pɛ́ʔ v.1to be or become red8.3.3.3Colorcomp.ansɩ pɛtrouble2to ripenBlɔdɩ amʋ la. Tɩn mʋ́ ha mɩ. The plantain is ripe. Cut it (the entire stalk) for me.1.5.6Growth of plants
tuuntũː adj.become very darkIlebi tuun. It turned black.Ɔtsɩ amʋ ɛ a, mʋ ɔtsabi ibi tuun. The woman's cooking shelf should be blackened completely.Ogyasi amʋ labi gyadɩtɔ ɩnʋ tuun. Smokeaw has completely blackened the kitchen.