bakɛbakɛcomp. ofba12kɛtimeearly morning hours before sunriseNɩ ɔkɛ bakɛ fonu batɛ ɔbɔn a, mɩdɛ fʋ ɩpan da.When tomorrow at dawn, you hear a rooster crow, it is me thanking you.I won't be able to thank you tomorrow morning, take it that the rooster crow is me thanking you.cfnyankɩ1morning8. of the day
kɛkɛ dawn; used only with ɔyɩ "world"Ɔyɩ lakɛ a, sʋ ba ayɔ anɩ ɔkpa amʋ aba.The world has lightened so come let's go on our way and come back.It's getting late (in the day) so let's go and come back.cfɛkɛday8. of the daycomp.bakɛpredawncomp.ɔyɩ lakɛdawn
ndɛndɛn.todayNdɛ gyi fʋ klɛ, ɔkɛ megyi fʋ klɛ.Today is yours, tomorrow isn't yours.Ndɛ ɔpa wɩsʋ nɔyɔ Nkran.Today in the afternoon, I will go to Accra.Ndɛ gyi nkɛ du ɔkɛ sasɩ.Today is the thirteenth day (e.g. of the month)cfigyeyesterdayɩnwɛ 1day before yesterdayɩnwɛ 2last (day)klaɛ 1day after tomorrowɔkɛ1tomorrow8., today, tomorrow8.4.6.3Present
nkɛŋkɛder. ofn-1ɛkɛn.1daysAlagyi nkɛ mʋ ɔkpa tutɔ.He has spent more days in his journey.Mɩ nyawie labɛdɩ mɩ wa nkɛnsa.My friend has come to sleep with me for three days.; festive days, such as yam festivals, the Guang congress meeting, Christmas, any durbarAba begyi nkɛ sʋ atɔ anɩnapʋ bʋ nɩna atɔ ba biasʋ.We are celebrating a festival so the people who cook have a lot of prepared food in the market., showcomp.gyi nkɛcelebrate
ntʋpwɛntʊ́pʷɛ́n.eveningNɩ akʋ bɔyɔ ndɔtɔ a, ntʋpwɛ bʋtɛba woyitɔ, tsufɛ owí ɔnɔ tɔwa ɔlɩn ɔpa.When some people go to farm, they come back home in the evening, because the sun becomes hot in the afternoon.cfntʋpwɛnyedusknyankɩ1morning8. of the day
onyeoɲéʔdial. var.enyeSn.nightMɩ nyawie labɛdɩ mɩ wa onye nkɛnsa.My friend has come and slept with me (in my house) overnight for three days.Ntsrakpabi tɛdɩnka onye.The stars come out at night.cfnyankɩ1morning8. of the day8.
owi dalɩcomp. ofowi2dalɩ 2v.sunriseNɩ owi ɔdalɩ tsu owi okplɩwiekpa a, igyi isuna kpɔnkpɔɔnkpɔntɩ, tsufɛ owi ɔdalɩkpa owi tɛdalɩ tsu.When the sun rises from the west, it is a big sign, because the sun rises from the east. of the daycomp.owi ɔdalɩkpaeast