Days of the week

Abenaabɪ́ná (H)From:AkanAbenader. ofBrandapropn.name of a female born on TuesdayBranda bɔkwɩɩ mɩ sʋ bʋtɛtɩ mɩ Abena.I was born on Tuesday, so they call me Abena.Genkwɩɩdaday namecfKwabenaKwabena9.7.1.1Personal names8. of the week
Afuaafúá(H)sp. var.AfiaEfiaFrom:AkanAfua/Efiader. ofFiedapropn.girl's name; Friday bornAfua mʋa Kofibi bɔkwɩɩ ɔkɛwʋlɛ nɩ, tamɛ Kofibi ladan dʋn Afua.Afua and Kofibi were born on the same day, but Kofibi is older than Afua.Genkwɩɩdaday namecfKofiKofi9.7.1.1Personal names8. of the week
Agyoaaʤóásp. var.AdwoaAgyuaFrom:Akanadwoader. ofGyɔdapropn.name of a female born on MondayGyɔda bɔkwɩɩ mɩ sʋ bʋtɛtɩ mɩ Agyoa.I was born on Monday, so they call me Adjua.Agyoa gyi ɔtsɩ lalahɛ ánɩ́ ɔtamatsia woyitɔ.Adjua is a bad woman who never stays in the house.Genkwɩɩdaday namecfGyɔdaMondayKudjoKudjo9.7.1.1Personal names8. of the week
Akosuaakosuacontr.AkosFrom:AkanAkosuader. ofKwasieda 1propn.name of a female born on SundayAkosua tɔyɔ Bulu osumkpa ekekegyiɛkɛ tamɛ ɔbʋ owuntɔ ɔnlɩn dʋn Kpankpanmayin.Akwasua goes to church all the time, but she is more wicked than a Konkomba man.Genkwɩɩdaday namecfKwasiKwesi9.7.1.1Personal names8. of the week
AkuaakuaFrom:AkanAkuader. ofKuodapropn.name of a female born on WednesdayKuoda bɔkwɩɩ mɩ sʋ bʋtɛtɩ mɩ Akua.I was born on Wednesday, so they call me Akua.Genkwɩɩdaday namecfKwakuKwaku9.7.1.1Personal names8. of the week
Ammaámːasp. var.AmbaFrom:AkanAmmader. ofMɩmɩnɩdapropn.name of a female born on SaturdayAmma ɔwʋlʋ bɩ sʋ, mʋgyi sukuusʋ ɔkɩpʋ nɩ.Because of Amba's cleverness, she is now the Inspector of schools.Genkwɩɩdaday namecfKwameKwame9.7.1.1Personal names8. of the week
BrandabrandaFrom:AkanBrandatimeTuesdayMɩ da gyi Kɔmɩna, tsufɛsɛ bɔkwɩɩ mɩ Branda.My name is Kwabena because they bore me on Tuesday.cfFiedaFridayGyɔdaMondayKuodaWednesdayKwasieda 1SundayMɩmɩnɩdaSaturdayYaodaThursday8. of the weekder.AbenaAbenader.KwabenaKwabena
Fiedafieda (H)From:AkanFidatimeFridayNkrambofɔ bʋtɔyɔ asɔrɩ Fieda.Muslims go to church on Fridays.cfBrandaTuesdayGyɔdaMondayKuodaWednesdayKwasieda 1SundayMɩmɩnɩdaSaturdayYaodaThursday8. of the weekder.AfuaAfuaKofiKofi
Gyɔdaʤɔda(H)timeMondayKwasieda lɛtra kwɩɩ Gyɔda.Time went by.Sunday again gave birth to MondaycfAgyoaAdjuaBrandaTuesdayFiedaFridayKuodaWednesdayKwasieda 1SundayMɩmɩnɩdaSaturdayYaodaThursday8. of the weekder.AgyoaAdjuaKudjoKudjo
Ɩpwɛɪpʷɛtimeday of rest in Nkonya week; first day of Nkonya weekcfƖpwɛ OdekeyikɛSecond dayƖpwɛ ƆdɛkɛtrakɛThird dayKulihɛancestral day; Fourth dayKulihɛ OdekeyikɛFifth dayKulihɛ Ɔdɛkɛtrakɛsixth dayƆdɛkɛtrakɛSixth daypwɛ 1sculptYinkeThird day8. of the week4.9.7.7Animism comp.Ɩpwɛ OdekeyikɛSecond daycomp.Ɩpwɛ ƆdɛkɛtrakɛThird day
Ɩpwɛ Odekeyikɛɪpʷɛ odekeyikɛcomp. ofƖpwɛɔ- -kɛyi1timethe day following Ɩpwɛ; the second day of the Nkonya weekcfƖpwɛ1st day8. of the week4.9.7.7Animism
Ɩpwɛ Ɔdɛkɛtrakɛɪpʷɛ ɔdɛkɛtrákɛScomp. ofƖpwɛƆdɛkɛtrakɛcomp. ofɔ- -kɛtra 1timethe second day following Ɩpwɛ; the third day of the Nkonya weekcfƖpwɛ1st dayYinkeThird day8. of the week4.9.7.7Animism
Kofikofider. ofFiedapropn.name of a male born on FridayFieda bɔkwɩɩ mɩ sʋ bʋtɛtɩ mɩ Kofi.I was born on Thursday, so they call me Kofi.Genkwɩɩdaday namecfAfuaAfua9.7.1.1Personal names8. of the week
Kudjokuʤósp. var.KujoKwadjoKwadwoder. ofGyɔdapropn.name of a male born on MondayGyɔda bɔkwɩɩ mɩ sʋ bʋtɛtɩ mɩ Kudjo. I was born on Monday, so they call me Kudjo.Genkwɩɩdaday namecfAgyoaAdjua9.7.1.1Personal names8. of the week
Kulihɛ Ɔdɛkɛtrakɛkulihɛ́ ɔdɛkɛtrákɛScomp. ofKulihɛƆdɛkɛtrakɛcomp. ofɔ- -kɛtra 1timethe second day following ancestral day; the sixth day of the Nkonya weekScfƖpwɛ1st dayƆdɛkɛtrakɛSixth day8. of the week
Kulihɛ Odekeyikɛkulihɛ́ odekeyikɛcomp. ofKulihɛɔ- -kɛyi1timeday following ancestral day; the fifth day of the traditional Nkonya weekcfƖpwɛ1st day8. of the week4.9.7.7Animism
Kulihɛkulihɛ́timeancestral day; fourth day of the traditional Nkonya weekKulihɛ gyi Nkonyafɔ nkɛ nasɩ nɩ.Kulihɛ is the fourth day of they Nkonyas.cfƖpwɛ1st day8. of the week4.9.7.7Animism comp.Kulihɛ OdekeyikɛFifth dayKulihɛ Ɔdɛkɛtrakɛsixth day
kumakúmá n.younger same sex sibling born on same day of the weekNɩ bɔkwɩɩ ɔtsɩ Kuoda, bɛtra kwɩɩ ɔtsɩ buo mʋ Kuoda a, bʋtɛtɩ kebi amʋ Akua kuma. If they bear a girl on Wednesday, and the next child is also a girl born on Wednesday they call the child Akuakuma., sister8. of the week
KuodakuodaFrom:AkankuodatimeWednesdayNɩ bɔkwɩɩ ɔtsɩ Kuoda, bɛtra kwɩɩ ɔtsɩ buo mʋ Kuoda a, bɛtɩ kebi amʋ Akuakuma.If they bear a girl on Wednesday, and the next child is also a girl born on Wednesday they call the child Akuakuma.cfBrandaTuesdayFiedaFridayGyɔdaMondayKwasieda 1SundayMɩmɩnɩdaSaturdayYaodaThursday8. of the weekder.AkuaAkuaKwakuKwaku
Kwabenakʷabɪná sp. var.Kɔmlader. ofBrandapropn.name of a male born on TuesdayMɩ da gyi Kwabena tsufɛsɛ bɔkwɩɩ mɩ Branda. My name is Kwabena because they gave birth to me on Tuesday.Branda bɔkwɩɩ mɩ sʋ bʋtɛtɩ mɩ Kwabena.I was born on Tuesday, so they call me Kwabena.Genkwɩɩdaday namecfAbenaAbena9.7.1.1Personal names8. of the week
Kwakukʷakusp. var.Kwekuder. ofKuodapropn.name of a male born on WednesdayKuoda bɔkwɩɩ mɩ sʋ bʋtɛtɩ mɩ Kwaku.I was born on Wednesday, so they call me Kwaku.Genkwɩɩdaday namecfAkuaAkua9.7.1.1Personal names8. of the week
Kwasikʷasísp. var.Kwesider. ofKwasieda 1propn.name of a male born on SundayBɔkwɩɩ mɩ Kwasieda, sʋ Kwasi bʋtɛtɩ mɩ. I was born on Sunday, so am called Kwasi.Akwasi gyi ɔha ánɩ́ ɔtamakɩ aha ansɩtɔ gyi asʋn.Akwasi is a person who does not look in to people's face to judge people.Genkwɩɩdaday namecfAkosuaAkosua9.7.1.1Personal names8. of the week
Kwamekʷamɪder. ofMɩmɩnɩdapropn.name of a male born on SaturdayMɩmnɩda bɔkwɩɩ mɩ sʋ bʋtɛtɩ mɩ Kwame.I was born on Saturday, so they call me Kwame.Genkwɩɩdaday namecfAmmaAmma9.7.1.1Personal names8. of the week
KwasiedakʷasiedaFrom:Akankwasiada1timeSundayAkristofɔ bʋtɔyɔ asɔrɩ Kwasieda.Christians goes to church On Sundays.cfBrandaTuesdayFiedaFridayGyɔdaMondayKuodaWednesdayMɩmɩnɩdaSaturdayYaodaThursday8. of the weekder.AkosuaAkosuaKwasiKwesi2n.a week; seven daysSynndawɔtswɩ 1week8.4.1.3Week
kwɩɩdakʷɪ̌ːdâʔcomp. ofkwɩɩɩdan.the name given based on what day of the week one is bornSpecAbenaAbenaAfuaAfuaAgyoaAdjuaAkosuaAkosuaAkuaAkuaAmmaAmmaKofiKofiKudjoKudjoKwabenaKwabenaKwakuKwakuKwameKwameKwasiKwesiYaaYaaYaoYao8. of the week
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