9.1.2. Do

-a2atr.-zersfxmakes an intransitive verb transitivebɩtɩ; bɩtɩato pull (without moving) something; to pull (and move) somethingbɩtɩ asʋ.to punishto pull on someone's ears;bɩtɩa keke.to pull a wagon9.1.2.7Event propositionscomp.pleiadandleder.bɩtɩapull
bwɛhɛbʷɛhɛ́der. ofbwɛ 1-hɛadj.things that have been doneatɔ bwɛhɛactions9.1.2Do
bwɛbʷɛ́ʔ (H) v.1to do somethingNɩ fɔbwɛ atɔ wanklaan a, aha bɛ́kanfʋ fʋ. If you have done something well people will praise you.9.1.2Docomp.apinabwɛbi ɔbwɛpʋhypocritebwɛ apinabwɛbibe hypocriticallakpan ɔbwɛpʋsinnerder.bwɛhɛdoingɩbwɛbwɛɛbwɛby all meanssay.Fabwɛ atɔ!you!, Thank 2to make something9.1.2.5Makecomp.apinabwɛbihypocrisybwɛ agywɩɩndecide3to afflict one with a disease that affects the skincfɩyɛmolenfaguinea wormɔnambasoreɔnamplɔɩsoresɛsɛ1ringworm2.5.2.2Skin diseaseph. v.kala bwɛget better
da2dáʔ v.to renderda oputsumake soup9.1.2Docomp.da ɩpanthankda ɩwɩsʋbe alertda ɔbʋngather aroundda ɔkpʋnʋrestph. v.da akpawunukneelda ɩkpʋntie knotda wacall fetishcomp.ɔladawarningph. v.da ɔlaprohibit
gyi2ʤicffufufufuv.1to eat;5.2.2Eatcomp.atogyihɛfoodigyihapreisthood2to engage in an interpersonal activity that involves give and take., respondcomp.gyi asʋnjudgegyi biabargaingyi iwierulegyi ɩban waprotectgyi ɩpahire oneself outgyi mbabe friendsgyi nkɛcelebrategyi nklatake leavegyi nkɔmbɔconversegyi nkpaenjoygyi nwɛnarguegyumagyihɛworklalahɛ ogyipʋevil doerder.atɔ ogyikpaeating placeph. v.hogyibelievehɔ X sʋ gyitrustpʋ ɩla gyido evil to3to inherit possessionsNkonyafɔ bʋtegyi asɩ agyapadɩɛ, tamɛ Asantefɔ bʋtegyi abitɛpʋ klɛ.Nkonyas inherit fathers' possessions, but Ashantis inherit their maternal uncle's.Ɔtsɩ tegyi mʋ yín ofumbi, fɛ́kɩ oyin ɛ lagyi mʋ sɩ atɔ.A woman that inherit her mother's bag, so that a man will inherit his father's things. place
ka3kav.to render; Akan loan word with meaning that varies with the object9.1.2Docomp.ka animrebukeka ntamswearka X hʋnjoinIdiom:ka X yabiswear
kpali2k͡paliv.to answer impudently9.1.2.2React, respond4.3.7.1Impolite
la isiacomp. ofla1 2isiav.to make a nestMbubwi bʋtɛla isia, tamɛ agyagya mʋ́ a, bʋtamala isia. Birds make nests but bats never make nests.1.6.5Animal home9.1.2.5Make
tset͡sen.instance; number of timesTse fɩnɩ fɔ́yɔ ntsu amʋtɔ? Ɔtsawʋlɛ pɛ.How many times will you go for the water? Only once.Alayɔ ntsutso tsesa. She has gone to the watering place three times.Tse fɩnɩ fɔ́yɔ ntsu amʋtɔ? Ɔtsawʋlɛ pɛ.How many times will you go for the water? Only once.cfɔtsawʋlɛ 1once8.4.6.6Once9.1.2.1HappenIdiom:tse-du tse-lafacomp.tsenyɔtwicetsesathree times
tsenyɔcftsenyɔ-tsesacomp. oftse-nyɔ2n.twicecfɔtsawʋlɛ 1oncetsesathree times8.4.6.6Once9.1.2.1Happen8.ɔ-tsesamultiple
tsɛ1t͡sɛʔ(L)v.1to exchange one thing for anotherAnɩdɛtɔɩ alɩɩ a, bɛtsɛ ɔnɔ wa mɩ. As we were talking they changed their speech on me (so I could no longer understand).Fapʋ kutibi tsɛ ɩbá.You have exchanged a pinch for a slap.Tsɛ kɔba anfɩ ha mɩ.Change this money for me., trade2to change from one thing to anotherTsɛ fʋ atadɩɛ amʋ ayɔ ndɔtɔ. Change your shirt so that we (can) go to farm.Ɔyɩtɔ gyi fɛ ologyo ɔwʋlʋ, ɩtɛtsɛ.The world is like chameleon's skin it always changes., change state9.1.2.6Change something
tsenyɔ-tsesacomp. oftsenyɔcomp. oftse-nyɔ2tsesacomp. oftseasa2n.many times overcftsenyɔtsesa8.
tsesacftsenyɔ-tsesacomp. oftseasa2n.three timescfɔtsawʋlɛ 1oncetsenyɔtwice8.4.6.6Once9.1.2.1Happen8.1.1.1Cardinal numberscomp.tsenyɔ-tsesamultiple
tsiatɔt͡siátɔ́ʔ(L) sp. var.itsiatɔn.behaviourOyin amʋ tsiatɔ bʋ alɛ dʋbɩ. The man's behaviour is good.Tsiatɔ lalahɛ ma alɛ. Evil behaviour is bad.tsiatɔ ma alɛ.His behaviour is not good.cftsia4 2behave9.1.2Do
tsulat͡súládial. var.tsudaNv.1to respond to someoneBʋdɛ mlɩ ɩtɛ ha, mlɩtsula mʋ́sʋ.They are greeting you, so respond.Bɛbla fʋ kʋ a, fatsula mʋ́sʋ. If they tell you something, you should respond.Ɔdɛ mlɩ tɛ ha, mlɩtsula. He is greeting you (pl.), so answer., respond3. agree to someone's proposalBɛblɩ, fɛɛ "Ao nanu... (repeat)" Mmotsuda-eee Mmotsuda ma wulu. Ɩbwɛ fʋ ta, ɩlawankɩ fʋ. They say something to you. You say "OK, I have heard." "I won't agree . . . I won't agree" has no town. (It takes you nowhere.) When it is all finished for you; it will be clear to you. (If your refuse you come to regret it.)When they advise you.You say "O.K. I have heard/agree" "I won't agree . . . I won't agree" won't take you anywhere. When it is all finished for you; it will be clear to you. (If your refuse you come to regret it.)Bɛblɩ, fɛɛ "Ao nanu... Song version of previous example.Natsula ánɩ́ ɔyɔ, tamɛ ɔyɔ a, ɔwa ɔsa ba. I have agreed that he should go but he should go and come quickly. to do somethingph. v.tamatsula mʋsʋbeloved
yinkiyíŋkí v.1to return to a previous stateYibi kpa a, ɔma iteyinki. When the time comes things go back to where they have come from.When a trap sprung, it always goes back. do something in returnNɛda mʋ. Oleyinki da mɩ mʋ ɛ. I hit him. He also hit me back., respond7.3.3.2Return something9.5.2.4Each other