Ahenkroahɪ̃́ŋkrʊFrom:AkanAhenkrochief's townpropn.major town of Southern Nkonya; seat of the Southern Nkonya paramountcylocated at 7° 6' 52"N, +0° 19' 24"ESynWulubitɔAhenkro9.7.2.3Names of cities
Aklobaakloba (H)propn.town on the main road south of Ahenkro; southernmost of the cluster of towns around Ahenkrolocated at 7° 6' 42"N, +0° 19' 21"E9.7.2.3Names of cities
Kadjebikáʤábípropn.town on the main road; northernmost of the cluster of towns around Ahenkro.Located at: 7° 7'20"N, 0°19'38"E Although the name takes its spelling from the large town north of Jasikan, it is pronounced differently. of cities
Kpandok͡pãndupropn.Kpando; major Ewe town south of Nkonyalocated at 6° 59' 50"N, +0° 17' 38"EƆkɛ gyi Kpando biakɛ. Sʋ nótu yɔhɔ atɔ.Tomorrow is Kpando market, so I'll get up early to go buy some things. of cities
Ntsumuruntsumúruunspec. var.Ntsumulupropn.town on the main road between Ahenkro and Nkonya-Kadjebi; part of the cluster of towns around AhenkroLocated at: 7° 7'0"N, 0°19'26"E9.7.2.3Names of cities
Ntumdantúmdá (H)propn.town on the main road between Tepo and KadjebiOn Gold Coast topological maps from 1951, this was spelled Ntumeda. Located at:7° 9'22"N, 0°19'26"E9.7.2.3Names of cities
Sibrisosibrísʊpropn.town on the main road on the outskirts of Kwamekrom; northernmost of the Nkonya townsLocated at: 7°17'5"N, 0°19'29"E9.7.2.3Names of cities
Wurupongpropn.major town of northern Nkonya; seat of the Northern Nkonya paramountcyLocated at: 7°10'42.19"N, 0°20'11.69"ESynGbomeWurupong9.7.2.3Names of cities