adj. | adjective |
adv. | adverb |
Ant. | antonym |
art. | article |
card. num. | cardinal number |
cf. | compare |
cnj. | conjunction |
comp. | compound |
dem. | demonstrative |
der. | derivation |
dial. | dialect |
Gen. | generic |
id. | idiom |
interj. | interjection |
n. | noun |
n.-zer | nominalizer |
pfx. | prefix |
ph. v. of | phrasal verb of |
pl. | plural |
pro. | pronoun |
pro. pfx. | pronoun prefix |
PropN. | proper noun |
sg. | singular |
Spec. | specific |
sp. var. of | specified variation of |
Syn. | synonym |
TAM | tense/aspect marker |
TR. | transitive |
unspec. var. of | specified variation of |
v. | verb |
var. | variation/variant |
VOC. | vocative |