Over the years, there have been many who have helped with this dictionary. The people who have been major sources of information are:
Emmanuel Latse (Wurupong)
Cletus Addae (Wurupong - deceased)
Joseph Kudjo (Akloba)
Foster Ofori (Ntsumuru)
Ella Abotsi (Ntsumuru)
Ignatius Ogyamkpa (Wurupong - deceased)
M. Y. Opoku (Wurupong - deceased)
Theresa Sromani (Ahenkro - deceased)
Most of the audio clips were spoken by Ignatius Ogyamkpa.
In 2014, there were approximately 30 participants from across Nkonya who took part in a dictionary workshop. Most of the information from that workshop has been included in this version of the dictionary.
The blame for remaining mistakes remains my own. -- Wes Peacock (a.k.a. Kwabena Adjadu)