ŋamHvpinch; to press the skin together between two fingersNyofi ɛ jeme fiɛɛ, boom bo bwee le ɛ ŋamɛn ye.Nyofi has said something and her sisters pinched each other.keeŋamŋamɛŋamteŋamtèŋamɛɛŋocɛ
ŋaw1Mvunruly, rough, noisy or disorderly in conductkeeŋawŋawɛŋaakeŋaakèŋawɛɛ
ŋaw2Hnhook; a curved piece of wire, for catching fish or for hanging things on
ŋay1Mv1tire out2wear out physically like a dog3stunt; to prevent growth or full developmentWaa bie wɛm nu ɛ ŋay baay. Wvú baa kuu kɛ.My little goat has not developed. It is not growing.keeŋayŋayɛŋayteŋaytèŋayɛɛ
ŋay2Hideothe small size of a person or animalFale ɛ gbwe nɛn ŋay.Fale has fallen down very lightly.
ŋaykekeHHHideosomething very tinyŊgɛw nu ŋaykeke.Ngɛw is very tiny.
ŋɛɛmMMvhang on to something or somebodykeeŋɛɛmŋɛɛmɛŋɛɛmeŋɛɛmèŋɛɛmɛɛkembaŋ
ŋɛmHvpry open; to cause to become openŋɛmɛŋɛmteŋɛmtèŋɛmɛɛyene, tɛnɛ
ŋɛyMvmove gradually showing signs of being alivekeeŋɛyŋɛƴɛŋɛyteŋɛytèŋɛyɛɛ
ŋɛyɛɛnMMMadj1sexual passion; strong, deep feelings of sexual desire2tickling
ŊgaaLLnpquarter on the east side of the Noni village of Laan
ŋgaamvunyaŋgáamvunyaLLHMmvuŋgaamvunyan9/10type of disease that makes rashes like scabies on the body
ŋgaciŋgaciHLHLideo1pink colour2purple colourNdvú yɛɛle ŋgaciŋgaci.The clothes are light red/pink.
ŋgamboŋgamH.LHn1/21spider2tarantula; a large, hairy spider
ŋganboŋganL.LLn1/21parable; a short simple story which teaches a moral or religious lesson or truth2proverb; a short well-known saying usually in popular language3storydíɛw yì mawɛɛnma
ŋganseLHadj1starting to ripen2colour ranging from yellow to red depending on the stage of ripening3speak proverbially, or speak using proverbs
ŋgaŋHvsleeplessNyii ɛ ŋgaŋ wvú.He has insomnia.ŋgaŋɛŋgaaŋkeŋgaaŋkèŋgaŋɛɛ
ŊgaŋLnpjuju with a costume made of feathers like that of Fimabu in the palace
ŋgaŋ kpwifonboŋgaŋ bo kpwifon eL HL.LL M HL Hn1/2executive of kpwifon