caaLLLideohow rain falls continuouslyJaŋ gbwee caaa.Rain is falling continuously.
caafiɛLLHHciafiɛvcrush something wet or moistkeecaafiɛcaafiɛcaaficaafìcaafiɛɛmoy
CaameLLLnphonorific title of nfonbvule, ɛkamɛ ke ŋakaa, Nyaa, Mbe
caanLLadv, quantlittle; smallWee ewvum ŋgaywee, ɛ́ ŋgaywee ewvum wan caan.A person should respect an elder and an elder respect a child.shikeey
caancɛMMHv1despise; to look down on someone with contempt, hatred, and to regard as worthless2punish or criticize severely3defy; to show no fear of nor respect for otherskeecaancɛcaancɛcaancicaancìcaancɛɛ
ca baHHv1complain2be dissatisfied, particularly with food3disqualifykeeca baca bacaa bacaà bacaɛ ba
cacacaLLLidsound of rain falling continuouslyJaŋ too cacaca.Rain falls continuously
can yì dewkeneidthief; literally "long hand"Wan wvun dewkene can baay.This child is a real thief.
can yì fuuidthieving nature; literally "hands that are itchy"Can ye fuu baay.He is a thief.
can yì ŋɛyteidloving to use hands; literally "itchy hands"Can ye ŋɛyte baay.He loves using his hands.
caŋdicaŋhl.Mhlcaŋen5/13broomstick used to stir frying grainBwee la kaaŋke bonfune ɛ̂ keŋge bô caŋe.The woman of the compound fries corn in a clay pot with a stir-stick.