famHveat quicklyƐ Yuŋse dioo bonɛn, fam bvulɛm ɛ ye bɛm bonyii.When Yungse became well, he ate much fufu so fast and people were amazed.keefamfamyɛfamyifamyìfamyɛɛ
fanMv1be afraid or have fear2be apprehensive or very anxiousƐ̀ fanè Nyoʼ.Fear God.keefanfanɛfanefanèfanɛɛgule fitele, jaŋnfan
faŋ1Hvrefuse, always with a negative connotationƐ bó faŋɛ yaa cim kɛŋke naa lo kefew keediekɛn kɛ.They did not even have the time to eat.keefaŋfaŋɛfaaŋkefaaŋkèfaŋɛɛ
fee jémMM Hvtraditional ceremony of alignment of graves, done only in compounds where there is a Fay or where there were original settlerskeefee jémfeelɛfeelefeelèfeelɛɛ
fefeLHvblind; unable to seekeefefefefefeetefeetèfefɛɛ
feghɛɛymvughɛɛyMHM.MHMn11/12a kind of tree which grows very tall
fele1HHv1fallow; let lie2stay longerkeefelefelefelefelèfelɛɛ
fele2ɛfeMM.MMn5/6wild plums (Canarium) with very hard seeds used for making local musical instruments and playing of some leisure games
fele3MLv1pass; from the verb fey2exceed or surpass3by means of4through; more than in comparison to something elseƐ cooŋ dioo fele laŋ jise yɛn kpwow wvudvu le, mum coŋ.A thief came along, saw the basket, and stole it.keefele
fenMv1lock; to fasten or become fastened with a lock2put in jailkeefenfenɛfenefenèfenɛɛfaa
fene1LHvgive a gift or appreciation to a dancerfenefen'yifen'yìfen'yɛɛnyanfene
fene2difeneML.MMLn5/131file; a metal tool with a rough edge, used for smoothing or shaping hard surfaces such as the blade of a cutlass or knife2a stone used to sharpen metal blades by frictionsaw
feŋɛnLHv1approach or draw near2abreast; side by side and facing the same way or keeping up with someonekeefeŋɛnfeŋɛnfeŋenefeŋenèfeŋɛnɛɛ
feseHHv1pass or hand over something to somebody2to give way for one to passkeefesefesefeesefeesèfesɛɛ
fesɛnHHv1surplus or increase2very much or aboundingNo cuwee to kee lɛ, kɛ kpwoon wvun yaa kee ŋwaʼ kɛ, ɛ wvú mum saŋ bigew ɛ bí duu fesɛn wvu lɛ bí ke dioo ɛ to ɛ́ wen ecoŋ kebɛse.Since the young man knew that the woman was illiterate, he decided to increase the amount of money demanded by the woman because he wanted to steal it.fesɛfesenefesenèfesɛnɛɛduu