Browse Nooni - English
yaa 1 H v boil or steam something to dry it so that it can be preserved for a long time keeyaa yaa yaale yaalè yalɛɛ
yaa 2 L neg no, not; always in an yaa…kɛ grammatical construction Kɛ me n'yaa ŋkee kɛ. I don’t know. kɛ
yaa bonene MM MLL adj not easy
yaa gomte diuw id dislike problems
yaa kɛɛse kɛ wee id finding no problem
yaa kɛŋke fan kɛ id 1 fearless or unafraid 2 courage or bravery; the ability to control fear in the face of danger or pain
yaa kooŋke ŋgɛw kɛ id not liking problems
yaam HH v stand aloof; not fully engaged or involved in something and ready to leave at any moment Wvú yaame kɛ wa lo. She is not very involved (and ready to leave at any time). keeyaam yaam yaame yaamè yaamɛɛ
yaa temyi kɛ kɛ ŋgɛw yaa nu kɛ id 1 not difficult 2 not strong 3 not well; unhealthy
yaatɛn HH v 1 lighten 2 delivered from a burden or weight 3 how a woman who has put to birth is now free from the pregnancy keeyaatɛn yaatɛn yaatene yaatenè yaatenɛɛ
yaa waale kɛ v not quarrelling
yaayaa HHHH v carry a baby on the shoulder keeyaya yaayaa yaayaa yaayaà yaayaɛ tuutuu
yaayaa can id symbolic action of hand on the head; a way of showing disappointment
Yaayambasha LLHHH np juju that can be instituted by any common person and danced around women
yale MM n in public; in the presence of other people ɛmwa, ɛndan
yaleyale MMMM adj 1 fringe 2 wayward
yam H v 1 suck; to draw liquid into the mouth 2 breast feed keeyam yamɛ yamte yamtè yamɛɛ mwewe, shomse
yamse HH v breast feed yamse yamsee yamseè yamsɛɛ
yanɛn LM v become very excited about a new thing and long to have it yanɛn yanene yanenè yanɛnɛɛ
yaŋsɛn 1 Hmh H adv 1 early 2 quickly keeyaŋsɛn
yaŋsɛn 2 LH adv early Yaŋsɛn gɛn wɛne. Go early to the farm.