labasTo travel at night, walk in the dark.Menlabasda ay somaa tay maid silewda.They walk home in the dark for they do not have light. past, over, through
labay2A mixture of something with cooked rice, inoto.Labayam nan kanen nan innodim is itsa.Mix with tea the food of your younger sibling. from plants
labbaLarge basket with high sides and a lid.Linabbana nan lakona ay kamatis.He put in a labba the tomatoes he is selling.
labnak1i- To wallow.Ogalin di nowang ay menlabnak isnan pitak.It is the custom of a carabao to wallow in the mud.7.1.3Lie down2To be flooded.Nalabnak nan om-ada.Their camote field is muddy with water.1.3Water
labosmen- To undress, to be naked.Linabosana nan anakna ta emsena.He undressed his child to bathe him.5.3Clothing
labotTo pull out.Menlabot nan babbaballo ta iyatepda isnan bawi ay sinaadda.The young men pull out cogon grass to use as roofing of the hut they built.Ilo.