tolkawA pinhole, small hole.Natolkawan nan sapingna.His pant has a small hole.7.8.5Make hole, opening
tolkingA hole in something solid.Natolkingan nan bolana.His ball has a hole in it.7.8.5Make hole, opening
tollolSenseless. Careless; Doesn't use brain.Natollol siya is kaboboteng.He is senseless because he is always drunk.
toloThree.Toloda ay men-ay-ayam.They are three playing. numberscfpagkatlo
tolokTo allow (usually used for persons).Itotolokmo od nan ik-ikkana isonga maseyad.You allow what he does so he repeats his bad behaviour.1.6.4Animal actions
tolongTo help.Tomolongka ay mangkaykay isnan om-an ikitmo.Help me in cultivating the camote field of your auntie.Ilo.6.1Work
toloy1To continue.Itoloymo nan linogyam ay oblam.Continue the work you started. ceremony 5, 7 or 9 days after burial with pigs killed.Limay agew nan toloyna.His toloy is five days.
tolsiFinger wrestling.Naabak siya isnan nintolsiyanda.He lost when they finger wrestled.4.2.7Play, fun
toltol1To peck.Mentoltol nan manok.A chicken pecks.syntopkay1.6.4.1Animal movement6.3.6.1Chicken2To bite, of a snake.Tinoltolan di oweg nan sikina.A snake bit his leg., chew
tol-oTo bounce up and down, a water boiling, to bounce a child in a carrying blanket in order to tighten it, the action of the pestle in pounding rice. To jump upward.Patol-owem nan bola.Bounce the ball.Mentoltol-o nan danom ay menlol-owag.The water boiling is bouncing.
tol-ongA stick or piece of bamboo tied to a dog's neck as a leash.
tomaBody louse.Natomaan si Betty tay adi men-em-emes.Betty has body louse for she does not take a bath.
tomalMedicine.Tomalem nan agasmo ta gomawiska.Take in your medicine so you will get well.5.2.2Eat
tombaTo fall over, of something or someone standing upright.Natomba nan baat issan napigsa ay lemlem.The bananas fell over during the strong typhoon.Ilo.