XXXXshake, shake the branches of a treexxxxTLbFTTraduction librexxxHe shook the mango tree and the mangoes dropped
xxxxxtwist sth.xxxTLbFTTraduction librexxxThe goat twisted the rope it is tethered to
xxxxxxxa small pot with ventilation holes and a cover, used in sacrificial ceremonies
xxxxxxxxa cough believed to result from either partner coughing while having sex. It is a taboo to cough during sex, and rituals must be performed to cleanse the couple if it happens
xxxxxxxxxa small smooth stone, used to smoothe plastered walls or floors
xxxxxxxxxxtease, by showing sth. to someone without giving it.
xxxxxxxxxxxdistribute marbles equally in holes on an aware board.
xxxxxxxxxxxxthe leaf of the groundnut after the seeds have been plucked
xxxxxxxxxxxxxa small, harmless snake, the Spotted Blind Snake.Typhlops punctatus
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxtame, make sth. or sb. easy tocontrol by spiritual powernnTLbFTTraduction libreThe woman tamed her husband.