Browse Nyankpa – English
áind1they (index)2you pl. (index)
abaripEjuŋadjhot*baripEjuŋamɛ abarip ntea, coffee, etc
abe Ejuŋn1soil, earth; sand2country, nationkabeIŋmgbeŋasu abe vturn soil to control weeds, or to start constructing a ridge
abe 1
abɛ1 n1milk2breastabɛ enakEjuŋnmilk (liquid, from the cow)abɛ inakIŋmgbenmilk (liquid, from the cow)
abi nfaeces, shit, manureabi anna Ejuŋninternal organsabi ennasara Ejuŋnchemical fertiliserabi nasala Iŋmgbenchemical fertiliserfwa abi vsuffer
abɔk nrotation of work, working in turns for somebody
acei noil (general)acei enfu Ejuŋnoil from the palm kernelacei engbegbeEjuŋngroundnut oilacei infu Iŋmgbenoil from the palm kernel (nut)acei ivisa Iŋmgbengroundnut oilacei izɔp Iŋmgbenshea butteracei sa egya Ejuŋnpalm oil
ada2 1nfather2vfather (someone), become the father of (someone)
adamnjudgementtet adam vdeliver a verdict; render judgement (literally cut a judgement)
adetadjlong (length, distance); far*det
adɛ Iŋmgbenlocal alcohol, made from guinea corn or maizeadɛkEjuŋ
adɛk Ejuŋnlocal alcohol, made from guinea corn or maizeadɛIŋmgbe
afaŋ Ejuŋ1nsky, heaven2prepabove, on top ofkafaŋIŋmgbe