Browse Nyankpa – English
gba vfallgba ede asu Ejuŋvleadgba kasu Iŋmgbevlead
gbasha vto be overpowering, to be too much
*gbeiadjold (of an object, not a person)agbeiegbeiigbeiogbeiugbei
gbemavscare, shock; cause s.o. to feel afraid or stunned
gbɛvcut (normally wood or a tree)gbɛt
gbɛlɛ okuvɛ vtalk, converse
gbɛp vwait, guard, keep watchonyi gbep egbep Ejuŋn1herder2guard, watchmanunyi gbɛp igbɛp Iŋmgben1herder (shepherd, cowherd, goatherd etc)2guard, security person, watchman
gbɛt vcut (normally wood or a tree)gbɛigbɛt iwak Iŋmgbenthe act of catching fish using a knife or cutlass
gbikpa v1pull, draw 2gasp, draw breath, breathe
gbit v1pull, draw2lose, get lost