Browse Nyankpa – English
paa vsplit (fruit or vegetables) in order to share - for example, mango, yam, pawpaw etcpagaEjuŋpawuIŋmgbe
paga Ejuŋvsplit (fruit or vegetables) in order to share - for example, mango, yam, pawpaw etcpaa
pawu Iŋmgbevsplit (fruit or vegetables) in order to share - for example, mango, yam, pawpaw etcpaa
pesa Ejuŋvpeel (something) gently, not pressing too deeppɛsaIŋmgbe
pɛci vkillpɛtpɛci (waya) vhang up (the phone); end a call
pɛsa Iŋmgbevpeel (something) gently, not pressing too deeppesaEjuŋ
pisha Ejuŋvcut a line (e.g. before peeling cassava)fiyaIŋmgbe
pum vpick (lots of fruit)
pun vpick (a single fruit)
puwa vparboil, boil a little
pyetvbeat; hit repeatedlypyet abɔk vclap; applaud