Browse Nyankpa – English
sak vput (something) on head before carrying it
sakwara npounded yam; a type of tuwo (thick, starchy food) made from yam, boiled, pounded in a mortar and shaped into a ball
sese Ejuŋvgive (to him, her etc)keseIŋmgbe
sima vspread, scatter, stir (grains, beans etc) with hands
skin Iŋmgbevbe green (of crops that look good)
so vbatheso kuso Iŋmgbevbathe, take a bathso oso Ejuŋvbathe, take a bath
sɔn vsewoluru sɔn agaEjuŋnthreadonyi sɔn aga Ejuŋntailor
suk v1put a roof on (something)2(of a plant) produce flowers
sut vbe satisfied after eating, be full (of food)Iŋmgbe