Lágálágána long,thin, sharp implement usually for piercing such as sewing, or knitting,acupuncture,tattooing,body piercing,medical injections etc.Méésú lágá.He is holding a needle.
Lálábálẹ́sịbàllálábálɛ́sĪbàlvTo move (something broad and loose) back and forth.
LàulàūvTo blow especially with an open hand or with something flat and broad.Ḿ mà làùI slapped him.
lẹ́lɛ́vTo consume something solid or semi-solid by putting it into the mouth and swallowing it.David lélẹ́ẹ́rẹ.David is eating.
Lẹ́ẹ́mvẹ̀mlɛ́:mvɛ̀mvTo move in or pass through the air with wings.
LéméverlémévērvIn a state of intoxication caused by the cosumtion of excessive alcohol usually by drinking alcoholic beverages.Emem léméverI am drunk.
LémévolémévovA sensation of dryness in the throat associated with a craving for lquids, produced by deprivation of drinks, or by some other cause.Amo lémévoI am thirsty.
LígìllígìlvTo move as a fluid from one position to another.
LívùlívùnA tiny, round ball of air or gas inside a liquid especially one made rom soapy liquid.
Lọ́mlɔ́mnOne who owns (something)A mọ̃ mọ̀.I am the owner.
Lòsíjẹ́mlòsíjɛ̀mvTo jump into water with your arms and head going in first.