Browse Osage – English


𐒰𐒰̋🔊noun1arm𐒰 𐒰͘𐓍𐒻𐓐𐓂͘𐓄𐒷they broke my arm2that part of the shoulder to and including the hand3foreleg
To specify what kind of arm or foreleg you want to express, name the animal first. For example, 𐓊𐒷 𐒰 refers to the foreleg(s) of a buffalo (cow). If you want to specify the right or left arm, right or left follows arm. For example, 𐒰 𐒻𐓇𐓈𐓂͘𐒼𐒰 is "right arm."This particular entry is considered the more accurate way to express this idea in modern Osage.
𐒰𐒰1interrogative sign2an interrogation sign, used at the end of a sentence
𐒰𐒰1imperative sign, used by a female2imperative (particle appearing at the end of a command; replaces final 𐒷 of verb)𐒰̄͘𐒼𐓎́ 𐓍𐒰̄go get it for me𐒹𐒰́𐓄𐒰 𐓄𐓎́𐓒𐒷𐓍𐒰!dry that corn!𐓏𐒻𐓓𐒻́͘𐒼𐒷 𐒿𐒻̋ 𐓈𐒰͘, 𐒹𐓎̋ 𐓋𐒷 𐒷́𐒰when Sonny gets back here, have him come over here𐒼𐓎𐓆𐓎́𐓍𐒷 𐒰remember it𐒽𐒰̋͘𐓊𐒷𐓒𐒻 𐓍𐒻̄𐒿𐓂́𐓊𐒰peel the orangeFemale
𐒰-𐒰verbSubjectpfx1IThis is an affix that cannot be used by itself. It is attached to other words or roots.
𐒰-𐒰́verbpfx1on𐓁𐒻́𐒽𐒰𐓇𐒻 𐓁𐒰́͘𐒽𐒰 𐓇𐒼𐒻 𐒰́𐒿𐒻̄͘ 𐒻̋𐓆𐒻𐓄𐒷, 𐒻́𐓁𐒰𐒹𐒻𐓓𐒻𐓄𐒷he didn't like to carry people on his back, he didn't agree with it2upon3on or upon4for𐒻-𐓂-Quintero notes on page 3 of her Osage Dictionary (2009) that this term is a "locative prefix; sometimes has a benefactive sense."This is an affix that cannot be used by itself. It is attached to other words or roots.
𐒰͘𐒰̋͘interj1yes2yes (female speaking)Female𐒹𐓂𐓏𐒷
𐒰͘-𐒰͘verbpfx11st person singular patient pronominal, used as object of active verbs ('me', 'for me', 'to me', 'from me', etc.)21st person singular patient pronominal prefix, used as subject of stative verbs ('I')This is an affix that cannot be used by itself. It is attached to other words or roots.
𐒰͘-𐒰͘verbpfx11st person dual or plural agent pronominal ('we', subject of regular or syncopating verbs)Quintero notes on page 22 of her Osage Dictionary (2009) that 𐒰͘- becomes 𐒰͘𐒼- before 𐒰, 𐒰͘, 𐓂, and 𐓂͘. She also notes on page 21 that verbs beginning with 𐒻- merge with 𐒰͘- to form 𐒰͘𐓁𐒰͘-This is an affix that cannot be used by itself. It is attached to other words or roots.
𐒰 𐒼𐒰͘𐒰̄ 𐒽𐒰́͘noun1muscle of the arm𐒰 𐒼'𐒰͘𐒰𐒼𐒰͘
𐒰 𐒼𐒰͘ 𐓈𐒰͘𐒼𐒰𐒰̄ 𐒽𐒰́͘ 𐓉𐒰́͘𐒼𐒰noun1muscle of the arm or foreleg𐒰𐒼𐒰͘ 𐓈𐒰͘𐒼𐒰
𐒰𐒹𐒰𐒰́𐒹𐒰𐒰𐒹𐒰́1wheneveradverb𐓀𐒰́͘𐓒𐒷𐒻́𐒷 𐓂𐒽𐒻́𐒷 𐒰́𐒹𐒰 𐓂𐒽𐒻́𐒽𐒻𐒷 𐒰𐒼𐓐𐒱́they talked [by phone] whenever he called𐒻̋𐓏𐒻𐓍𐒻 𐒰́𐒹𐒰 𐓂𐓏𐒻́𐒽𐒻𐒷 𐓀𐒰͘𐓓𐒻́ 𐓉𐒰 𐓀𐒻͘𐒼𐓇𐒷́whenever I see you I'm not going to talk to you𐓂͘𐒼𐓂́𐓍𐒻𐒽𐒻𐒷𐓄𐒻 𐒰́𐒹𐒰 𐓍𐒰𐒼'𐒷́𐓏𐒰𐓍𐒰𐒼𐒻𐒷 𐓉𐒰 𐓁𐒻͘𐒼𐓇𐒷́ 𐒰̋𐓄𐒷they said you would pity us whenever we talk to you𐒰͘𐓁𐒰́͘𐓍𐒰𐓄𐒻 𐒰́𐒹𐒰 𐒰𐓏𐒰́𐒽𐒻𐒷 𐓍𐒻́𐒿𐒰͘𐓄𐒷whenever they saw me they wanted to talk2as soon as𐓇𐒻́𐓀𐒻𐓓𐒻͘ 𐒰𐓄𐒰 𐒰𐓁𐒰́͘𐓍𐒰𐓄𐒻 𐒰𐒹𐒰 𐓂́𐒽𐒰͘ 𐒰𐓄𐒱́just as soon as the girls saw me, they helped her3immediately when𐒰͘𐓁𐒰́͘𐓍𐒰𐓄𐒻 𐒰́𐒹𐒰 𐒰͘𐓏𐒰́͘𐒽𐒻𐒷 𐒼𐓂́͘𐓍𐒰𐓄𐒷when he saw me, he [immediately] wanted to talk with me4immediately after5whereupon𐒰͘𐓁𐒰́͘𐓍𐒰𐓄𐒻 𐒰́𐒹𐒰 𐓈𐒰̄𐒼𐒷́ 𐒰𐓄𐒱when they saw me, they started fighting6thereupon𐒻𐒰𐒹𐒰
𐒰𐒹𐒷𐓆𐒰𐓓𐒻𐒰́𐒹𐒷𐓆𐒰́𐓓𐒻transitive verb1speak saucily to anyone2stick to an opinion3continue to assert4insist on, instead of yielding
𐒰𐒹𐒻𐒰𐒹𐒻́intransitive verb1reach there, not his home, or for the first time2go there (motion accomplished)3come there4arrive there5be there6be in attendance7stop in, go by, come by8get (e.g., 'get old')9become (suddenly?)10begin to, start to11suddenly start to𐒹𐒻𐒰𐒹𐓎𐒰𐒼𐓇𐒻𐒰𐒾𐓎𐒰𐒿𐒷𐒰𐒿𐒻𐒰𐓊𐒻𐒰𐓍𐒷For motion verbs, the initial a- is rarely used on first- or second-person forms, and is often omitted with third-person subject.
𐒰𐒹𐓂𐓇𐒻𐒼𐒷𐒰́𐒹𐓂𐓇𐒻𐒼𐒷transitive verb1force one to yield2compulsion𐒰𐒹𐓎𐓇𐒻𐒼𐒷
𐒰𐒹𐓎𐒰́𐒹𐓎𐒰́𐒹𐓎noun1wing2wings3shoulder blade𐒰𐒹𐒻͘
𐒰𐒹𐓎𐒰𐒹𐓎́intransitive verb1be coming to this place, not his home, or for the first time2come here (motion underway)𐒹𐓎𐒰𐒹𐒻𐒰𐒼𐓇𐒻𐒰𐒾𐓎𐒰𐒿𐒷𐒰𐒿𐒻𐒰𐓊𐒻𐒰𐓍𐒷For motion verbs, the initial a- is rarely used on first- or second-person forms, and is often omitted with third-person subject.
𐒰𐒹𐓎 𐓀𐒰͘𐓍𐒻͘𐒰́𐒹𐓎 𐓀𐒰́͘𐓍𐒻͘noun1turkey cock𐒰𐒹𐓎𐓀𐒰͘𐓍𐒻͘
𐒰𐒹𐓎𐒰𐒿𐒻͘𐒰́𐒹𐓎𐒰́𐒿𐒻͘noun1angelwings upon𐒰𐒹𐓎𐒰𐒿𐒻͘
𐒰𐒼𐒰𐒰́𐒼𐒰transitive verb1slice meat for drying𐒰-𐒼𐒰-𐒰𐒼𐒰𐓍𐒷
𐒰𐒼𐒰𐒴𐒰𐒰́𐒼𐒰𐒴𐒰transitive verb1open, as one's eyes or arms2open the eyes on something𐒰𐒼𐒰𐓄𐓍𐒰𐒰-𐒼𐒰-
𐒰𐒼𐒰𐒹𐒰𐒰́𐒼𐒰𐒹𐒰1on2upon3on top4on top of5topnoun6summitnoun7outside of, as an enclosure8on the outside9upon the brow of