𐒻-𐒻́𐒻̋𐒻𐒻̄verbpfx1with2using3as a means of or to4through (an action represented by the verb stem)5from6due to𐒰-𐓂-This is an affix that cannot be used by itself. It is attached to other words or roots.
𐒻-𐒻nounpfx1his/her𐒻͘-𐓍𐒻-𐓏𐒻-This is an affix that cannot be used by itself. It is attached to other words or roots.
-𐒻𐒻13rd singular or 3rd plural noncontinuative postverbal markersfx-𐒰𐓄𐒻This is an affix that cannot be used by itself. It is attached to other words or roots.
𐒻͘𐒻̋͘🔊noun1rock𐒻̋͘ 𐓉𐒰͘ 𐒼𐓂̄𐓈𐒰́𐒹𐒰 𐓏𐒰́𐒿𐒻 𐒿𐒰̋͘𐓍𐒷, 𐓍𐓎𐓋𐒷́𐓄𐒷 𐒻͘𐒼𐒰́that big rock [yonder] is really heavy, don't lift it𐓈𐓂́͘𐓄𐒰 𐒻̋͘ 𐓉𐒰͘, 𐓇𐒵𐓎́𐓋𐒷𐓄𐒷 𐓍𐒰̄͘𐓌𐒷́ 𐒻͘𐒼𐒷́watch out with that big rock, you can't lift it𐒻̋͘ 𐒼𐓂̄𐓈𐒰́𐒹𐒰 𐓆𐒼𐒻́𐒼𐒷that rock over there is heavy𐒻̋͘ 𐓇𐒷́ 𐒻͘𐒼𐓇𐒷 𐓍𐒻́𐒹𐒰͘pick up that rock2stone3stones, of any sort
𐒻͘𐒻́͘transitive verb1wear (e.g., earrings, warm clothes, a coat, a shawl)2wear, as a robe or blanket3carry4have something positioned so that it surrounds part of the body (such as the head or arm)𐓂͘
-𐒻͘𐒻͘1timessfxThis suffix attaches to numbers to express "times" (two times, etc.). It replaces the final vowel of a number, and with numbers already ending in -𐒻͘ (𐓍𐒰𐒴𐒻͘ (three), for example), the pronunciation of that number remains the same. In any of these scenarios, the pronunciation stress on the number remains the same.This is an affix that cannot be used by itself. It is attached to other words or roots.
𐒻͘ 𐓂𐒿𐒻͘𐒻̋͘ 𐓂𐒿𐒻̋͘verb1sweat𐒻͘𐓂𐒿𐒻͘This entry is composed of more than one word. Any conjugations need to be done on the LAST word.
𐒻𐒴𐒰͘𐒻̋𐒴𐒰͘verb1have enough of, get enough of, have one's fill of, be sated with (either a positive or negative thing)2be satiated with3be tired of, be negatively affected by too much of𐒻𐒴𐒰
𐒻𐒴𐒰͘𐓐𐓊𐒻͘𐒻̋𐒴𐒰͘𐓐𐓊𐒻͘transitive verb1have more than enough of, have more than one's fill or share of (e.g., sorrow to the point of being pitiful, excessive woe)𐒻𐒴𐒰͘-𐓐𐓊𐒻͘
𐒻𐒴𐒰͘𐓓𐒻𐒻̋𐒴𐒰͘𐓓𐒻1greedy, not satisfied, can't get enough2greed𐒻𐒴𐒰͘𐒰𐓓𐒻
𐒻𐒷𐒻́𐒷1talkintransitive verb𐓄𐒷̋ 𐒻́𐓍𐒱 𐓍𐒰̄𐓇𐒷́?who are you talking about?𐒻͘𐓍𐒰́𐒷 𐓉𐒱let's talk𐓏𐒰́𐒿𐒻 𐒻̋𐓓𐒻 𐒰𐒼𐓐𐒱he sure won't talk𐒻́𐓉𐒰𐒹𐒰̋𐓓𐒻 𐒻́𐒰𐓄𐒷he talked wrong, inappropriately2sayintransitive verb𐒹𐒰̋𐒼𐓂͘ 𐒻𐓍𐒰́𐒷 𐓀𐒻͘𐒼𐓇𐒷́ Jack 𐒰𐒼𐓐𐒰 𐒻̋𐓇𐓈𐒰͘ 𐒰𐒼𐓐𐒱Jack agrees with what I say𐒹𐒰̋𐒼𐓂͘ 𐒻𐓍𐒰́𐒷 𐓈𐒰͘ Jack 𐒰𐒼𐓐𐒰 𐒻̋𐓇𐓈𐒰͘ 𐒰𐒼𐓐𐒱Jack agrees with what I said𐓂́𐓏𐒷𐓁𐒰͘ 𐒻𐓍𐒰́𐒷 𐒽𐓂́͘𐒴𐒰I want to say something in appreciation𐒻𐓍𐒱́𐓓𐒻 𐓈𐒰͘if I say nothing𐒻́𐓍𐒱𐓓𐒻 𐓈𐒰͘if you say nothing3speakintransitive verb𐒻𐓍𐒰́𐒷 𐓀𐒻͘𐒼𐓇𐒷́I am speaking𐒻𐓍𐒰́𐒷 𐒰𐓈𐓐𐒰͘𐒹𐒷́I'm speaking [standing]𐒻𐓍𐒱́ 𐓋𐒷 𐒷̋ 𐒰𐓄𐒰they've asked me to speak𐒻́𐒷 𐓉𐒰 𐒰𐒼𐓐𐒱́he's going to speak4make a speech or talkintransitive verb𐒻𐓍𐒱́ 𐓉𐒰 𐓀𐒻͘𐒼𐓇𐒷́I'm going to make a talk5talk abouttransitive verb6discusstransitive verb7speak oftransitive verb8speak a languagetransitive verb𐓏𐒰𐓓𐒰́𐓓𐒷 𐒻́𐒷!talk Osage!𐓏𐒰𐓓𐒰́𐓓𐒷 𐒻́𐒰!talk Osage!9wordnoun𐒻́𐒷 𐓍𐒻́𐓉𐒰 𐒰͘𐒼𐓂́𐓍𐒰𐒹𐒰 𐒰͘𐒼𐓂́͘𐓍𐒰 𐒰͘𐒼𐒱́ 𐓇𐒼𐒻even though we want to follow your word (part of a prayer)𐒻́𐒷 𐓍𐓎̄𐓆𐓈𐒰́𐒼𐓂straighten that word out10wordsnoun11languagenoun𐓏𐒰𐓓𐒰́𐓓𐒷𐒻́𐒷Osage language12teachingsnoun𐓏𐒰𐒽𐓂́͘𐓈𐒰 𐒻𐓓𐒻́͘𐒼𐒷 𐒻́𐒷Jesus' teachings13one's wordnoun14speechnoun𐒻́𐒷 𐓍𐒰̋𐒿𐒻͘ 𐒼𐒰̋𐓑𐒰𐓄𐒷he made a good speech15prayernoun𐒻́𐒷 𐒼𐒰̄𐓇𐒷́𐓁𐒰͘ 𐒷́𐒼𐒻𐓄𐓇𐒷this prayer ends now, I have spoken
𐒻𐒷 𐒰𐒼𐒻𐒷𐒻́𐒷 𐒰́𐒽𐒻𐒷transitive verb1talk for or against someone𐒻𐒷𐒰𐒼𐒻𐒷𐒻𐒼𐒻𐒷
𐒻𐒷 𐓂𐒼𐒰𐓐𐒸𐒼𐒷𐒻́𐒷 𐓂𐒼𐒰̄𐓐𐒸́𐒽𐒷noun1curses (considered as scattered useless words)2things people say maliciously that are untrue3malicious false gossip𐒻𐒷𐓂𐒼𐒰𐓐𐒸𐒼𐒷
𐒻𐒷 𐓂𐒼𐒻𐓄𐓇𐒷𐒻́𐒷 𐓂𐒼𐒻́𐓄𐓇𐒷1keep one's wordtransitive verb2promise-keepernoun𐒻𐒷 𐒼𐒻𐓄𐓇𐒷𐒻𐒷𐒼𐒻𐒼-𐓂𐓄𐓇𐒷This entry is composed of more than one word. Any conjugations need to be done on the LAST word.
𐒻𐒷 𐓂𐓄𐓇𐒷𐒻́𐒷 𐓂𐓄𐓇𐒷́transitive verb1obey, follow, or keep true to someone's word𐒻𐒷𐓂𐓄𐓇𐒷This entry is composed of more than one word. Any conjugations need to be done on the LAST word.
𐒻𐒷 𐓆𐓊𐒷𐓊𐒷𐒻́𐒷 𐓆𐓊𐒷́𐓊𐒷1talk too longintransitive verb2talker, person who talks too longnoun𐒻𐒷 𐓆𐓊𐒷𐒻𐒷𐓆𐓊𐒷𐓊𐒷
𐒻𐒷 𐓍𐒰𐒷𐓓𐒻𐒻́𐒷 𐓍𐒰̄𐒷́𐓓𐒻transitive verb1misconstruemouth different words𐒻𐒷𐓍𐒰-𐒷𐓓𐒻This entry is composed of more than one word. Any conjugations need to be done on the LAST word.
𐒻𐒷 𐓍𐒰𐓏𐒰𐓆𐒼𐒰𐒻́𐒷 𐓍𐒰̋𐓏𐒰𐓆𐒼𐒰intransitive verb1speak clearly𐒻𐒷𐓍𐒰-𐒻𐒷 𐓏𐒰𐓆𐒼𐒰𐒻𐒷 𐓏𐒰𐓆𐓎𐒹𐓎𐓏𐒰𐓍𐒰𐓆𐒼𐒰This entry is composed of more than one word. Any conjugations need to be done on the LAST word.