𐒿𐒰͘𐓍𐒷𐒿𐒰́͘𐓍𐒷adjective1big𐓏𐒰́𐒿𐒻 𐒻́𐒹𐒰̄ 𐒿𐒰̋͘𐓍𐒰𐓄𐒷she has a big mouth2large𐒿𐒰̋͘𐓍𐒷 𐓉𐒰́͘very large3broad4wide5great6greatness7stupendous8prodigious9magnitude10important𐓈𐒰̋𐓈𐒰͘ 𐒹𐒰̄𐓀𐒲́ 𐓌𐒷 𐒿𐒰̋͘𐓍𐒻 𐒷𐒼𐓐𐒱what I did was important11fat, overweight𐒿𐒰̋͘𐓍𐒷 𐒴𐒻́͘𐒷I'm fat𐒼𐓍𐒰͘𐓍𐒷𐒿𐒰͘𐓍𐒻𐓈𐒰͘𐒼𐒰
𐒿𐒰͘𐓍𐒷 𐒹𐒻͘ 𐓇𐒼𐓂𐓄𐒷𐒿𐒰́͘𐓍𐒷 𐒹𐒻͘ 𐓇𐒼𐓂́𐓄𐒷noun1"the broad insect with thick hair," a mythical character, supposed to be as large as a buffalo bull, and styled the chief or king of the land insects and worms𐒼𐓍𐒰͘𐓍𐒷 𐒹𐒻͘ 𐓇𐒼𐓎𐓄𐒷𐒿𐒰͘𐓍𐒷𐒹𐒻͘𐓇𐒼𐓂𐓄𐒷
𐒿𐒰𐓓𐒻͘𐒿𐒰𐓓𐒻̋͘adjective1skinny (e.g., a person or a tree), slim, slender, thin𐓏𐒰́𐒿𐒻͘ 𐒿𐒰𐓓𐒻̋͘ 𐓍𐒲𐓇𐒷́you're really skinny2lean (describes a person or an animal, not meat)3poor, pitiful, gaunt, haggard
𐒿𐒷𐒿𐒷1placed upright or in a standing position𐒼𐓍𐒷𐒿𐒰͘