𐓄𐒰𐓄𐒰1positional article for plural nonsubject𐒷𐓊𐒻́ 𐓄𐒰 𐓓𐓂́𐒰͘𐓍𐒰𐒿𐒷 𐓇𐒻́𐒷 𐓍𐒷you brought me to them𐓆𐓎́𐒽𐒰𐓉𐒰̋͘ 𐓀𐒻̋͘𐒼𐒰 𐒷́𐓓𐒻 𐓄𐒰 𐓏𐒰́𐓍𐒻𐒹𐓂𐓈𐒰 𐒻͘𐒼𐓇𐒷 𐒻́𐓄𐒰𐒹𐓂͘ 𐒻͘𐒼𐓇𐒻 𐒰̋𐓄𐒷turkey hen knew she had done everything she could to fool the others [them]𐓁𐒻́𐒽𐒰𐓇𐒻 𐓄𐒰 𐓏𐒰̋𐓈𐓂͘𐓄𐒰take care of those men [standing or sitting], look after those people𐒼𐒷𐒼𐓇𐒷𐓄𐒷𐓈𐓐𐒰͘𐓊𐒷𐓍𐒰͘𐓍𐒷𐓍𐒻͘𐒼𐓇𐒷
𐓄𐒰-𐓄𐒰̄verbpfx1by means of pushing2by pushing away or by hand3by pushing or pressing on something (either compacting or spreading it)4by pushing up and away with the hands𐒼𐒰-𐓁𐒰͘-𐓄𐒰-𐓄𐓂-𐓄𐓎-𐓈𐒰-𐓍𐒰-𐓍𐓎-This is an affix that cannot be used by itself. It is attached to other words or roots.
𐓄𐒰-𐓄𐒰́verbpfx1by means of cutting or sawing2by cutting3by use of a sharp edge4verbal prefix, showing that the action is performed by cutting with a knife drawn across the object, or by sawing with a hand-saw𐒼𐒰-𐓁𐒰͘-𐓄𐒰-𐓄𐓂-𐓄𐓎-𐓈𐒰-𐓍𐒰-𐓍𐓎-This is an affix that cannot be used by itself. It is attached to other words or roots.This instrumental prefix is one of three (ba- (cutting motion), bo- (force), and da- (extreme temperature)) that has stress if it is the first syllable of a word. Noting this can be helpful since ba- can be confused with other instrumental prefixes that are spelled the same (e.g., ba- (by pushing)), but have stress on the following syllable.
-𐓄𐒰𐓄𐒰conn > verbsfx1and𐒷𐓊𐒻 𐓈𐓐𐒰͘ 𐒰𐒼𐓎𐓄𐒰 𐒰𐒿𐒰𐓄𐒻 𐒰𐓎He is coming back hither from that place, and he is going homeward.𐓊𐒻 𐓊𐒻 𐓈𐓐𐒰͘ 𐒰𐒹𐓎𐓄𐒰 𐒰𐓍𐒰𐓄𐒻 𐒰𐓎He is coming from the lodge, and he is going on.This is an affix that cannot be used by itself. It is attached to other words or roots.
𐓄𐒰𐒴𐒰͘𐓄𐒰𐒴𐒰́͘transitive verb1make a bad odor arise from a corpse, etc., by pushing against it with a stick, etc.𐓄𐒰𐓄𐓍𐒰͘𐓄𐒰-𐒴𐒰͘
𐓄𐒰𐒴𐒰𐒼'𐒰𐓄𐒰́𐒴𐒰𐒼'𐒰transitive verb1flatten by cutting2make flat by using a sharp edge3plane (as wood with a woodplane)4make a piece of wood have a flat surface by cutting it with a knife, or saw𐓄𐒰𐓄𐓍𐒰𐒼'𐒰𐓄𐒰-𐒴𐒰𐒼'𐒰𐓄𐒰𐒴𐒰𐒼'𐒰
𐓄𐒰𐒴𐒷𐓒𐒰𐓍𐒰͘𐓄𐒰𐒴𐒷́𐓒𐒰𐓍𐒰͘transitive verb1make droop, as a plant by pushing or punching (with the end of the stick held firmly against the object)𐓄𐒰𐓄𐓍𐒷𐓒𐒰𐓍𐒰͘𐓄𐒰-𐒴𐒷𐓒𐒰𐓍𐒰͘
𐓄𐒰𐒴𐓂͘𐓆𐒷𐓄𐒰𐒴𐓂́͘𐓆𐒷transitive verb1make ice, etc., give a crunching sound by pushing it with a stick, etc., held firmly against it𐓄𐒰𐓄𐓍𐓎͘𐓆𐒷𐓄𐒰-𐓁𐒰͘𐒴𐓂͘𐓆𐒷
𐓄𐒰𐒹𐒰𐓄𐒰𐒹𐒰́transitive verb1show, exhibit an object𐓄𐒰-
𐓄𐒰𐒹𐒰͘𐓄𐒰̄𐒹𐒰́͘transitive verb1raise2hold up3raise any object (light or heavy) by pushing or burrowing𐓄𐒰𐒹𐒰𐓄𐒰-*𐒹𐒰͘𐓍𐒻𐒹𐒰͘
𐓄𐒰𐒹𐒰͘𐒿𐒷𐓅𐒰𐒹𐒰́͘𐒿𐒷1first𐓏𐒰𐒽𐓂́͘𐓈𐒰 𐒰𐒼𐓐𐒰 𐒷̄𐓁𐒰́ 𐓉𐒰 𐒰𐒼𐓐𐒰 𐓁𐒰, 𐓅𐒰𐒹𐒰́͘𐒿𐒷 𐓀𐒰́͘𐒻͘, 𐒰𐒽𐒻́𐒿𐒰𐓍𐒻͘ 𐓄𐒱soon it will be only God, put him first, carry yourself that way𐓅𐒰𐒹𐒰́͘𐒿𐒷 𐓏𐒻𐓉𐒷́𐓓𐒻͘ 𐒻𐓍𐒰́𐒷 𐓇𐒼𐓂́͘𐓇𐓈𐒰 𐓌𐒷 𐓏𐒷̋𐓏𐒻𐓁𐒱first, younger sister, I am grateful for your wanting me to speak2first in line3at the outset4from the beginning𐓅𐒰𐒹𐒰́͘𐒿𐒷 𐓌𐒷from the beginning5before𐓄𐒰𐒹𐒰͘𐒼𐓍𐒷