𐓐𐒰𐒼𐒰𐓐𐒰́𐒼𐒰adjective1rough2prickly3rough, as the tongue4forked or pronged, as antlers5branching out, as the separate claws on a foot6bristling7rough in appearance
𐓐𐒰𐒼𐒷𐓐𐒰̄𐒼𐒷́🔊intransitive verb1cry2cry or weep3sing dancing songs𐓐𐓂𐒼𐒰
𐓐𐒷𐓐𐒷𐓐𐒷́𐓐𐒷verb1roar or patter frequently2rustle repeatedly𐓐𐒷This term uses reduplication which means part of the word (usually just one syllable) is repeated to express the idea of an action or idea occurring over and over. If the syllable being reduplicated ends in "e," it almost always changes to "a." For example, "-se" would become "-sasa" or "-sase."
*𐓐𐒻𐓐𐒻verb1wake2awaken3become awakeThis term is a bound root which means that while this root has an idea attached to it, it cannot be used alone. It must have something else attached to it, often an instrumental prefix.
𐓐𐒻𐓐𐒻𐓍𐒰𐓐𐒻́𐓐𐒻𐓍𐒰intransitive verb1stumble repeatedly𐓊'𐒰́𐒻𐓓𐒻͘ 𐒰𐒼𐓐𐒰 𐓐𐒻́𐓐𐒻𐓍𐒰 𐒰𐒼𐓐𐒱́the old man is stumbling2go stumbling along𐓐𐒻𐓍𐒰This term uses reduplication which means part of the word (usually just one syllable) is repeated to express the idea of an action or idea occurring over and over. If the syllable being reduplicated ends in "e," it almost always changes to "a." For example, "-se" would become "-sasa" or "-sase."
𐓐𐓂͘𐓐𐓂́͘adjective1broken2break3broke, without money or penniless (a loan translation)𐓐𐓎͘𐒿𐒷𐒼𐒷
𐓐𐓂𐒼𐒰𐓐𐓂́𐒽𐒰1sing dancing songsintransitive verb2singers and drummersnoun𐓐𐓂́𐒽𐒰 𐓁𐒰͘𐒼𐓐𐒰́͘𐓇𐒷all you singers3all singers of dancing songsnoun𐓐𐒰𐒼𐒷