𐓓𐒰͘𐓓𐒰̋͘1sleepintransitive verb2go to sleepintransitive verb3lie down to sleepintransitive verb4go to bedintransitive verb5sleep overintransitive verb6stay all nightintransitive verb7sleepnounThe idea here is "a sleep" as a way to express a day.8night's restnoun9overnight staynoun10daynoun𐓓𐒻͘𐒹𐒷
𐓓𐒰͘𐓓𐒰̋͘🔊noun1wood2tree3log4lumber5stick6pole7woods8forest𐓁𐒰͘Since this term is rather broad, Dorsey notes, "When they wish to distinguish between a tree and a log or wood, 𐓓𐒰͘𐓍𐓂𐓈𐒰͘𐒿𐒷 is used for the former, 𐓓𐒰͘ for wood and 𐓓𐒰͘ 𐒼𐒰𐓐𐓂͘ for a log." Each of these have their own entry.
𐓓𐒰͘ 𐒼𐒰͘𐓓𐒰́͘ 𐒽𐒰͘𐓓𐒰͘ 𐒼𐒰́͘noun1roots of any plant or tree2root or roots of a tree, bush, etc.3root or roots (of a tree, bush, etc.)𐓓𐒰͘ 𐒼'𐒰͘𐓓𐒰͘𐒼𐒰͘
𐓓𐒰͘ 𐒼𐒰𐓐𐒰𐓓𐒰̋͘ 𐒼𐒰𐓐𐒰́noun1limb of a tree2limbs, branches, boughs3tree branch, limb, tree branching out𐓓𐒰͘𐒼𐒰𐓐𐒰
𐓓𐒰͘ 𐒼𐒰𐓐𐒻𐓍𐒰𐓓𐒰́͘ 𐒼𐒰𐓐𐒻́𐓍𐒰transitive verb1fell a tree𐓓𐒰͘𐒼𐒰𐓐𐒻𐓍𐒰This entry is composed of more than one word. Any conjugations need to be done on the LAST word.
𐓓𐒰͘ 𐓂𐒿𐒻͘𐓓𐒰̋͘ 𐓂𐒿𐒻̋͘intransitive verb1live in the woods2dwell in the forest𐓓𐒰͘𐓂𐒿𐒻͘This entry is composed of more than one word. Any conjugations need to be done on the LAST word.