Otoe-Missouria - English



Xra1xrahEagle Clanproper nounLewis Henry Morgan lists this term as the name of the Otoe-Missouria Eagle Clan while attributing Chexita (the proper term) only to the Ioway Eagle Clan in his book "Ancient Society" (page 156). It should be noted that Morgan made several errors on this page alone.CompareChexida
Xra2xrahEagleproper nounThis term is given by Dorsey as one of the subclans of the Missouria Eagle clan.unspec. comp. form ofxra 1eagle
xra greingeXRAH GRAY-eeng-ayspeckled eaglenoununspec. comp. form ofxra 1eaglegreðeingefree variant ofshingeFree Variantxra greinyeXRAH GRAY-ee-nyay
xra greinyeXRAH GRAY-ee-nyayunspec. comp. form ofxra 1eaglegreðeinyefree variant ofshingefree variant ofxra greingeunspec. comp. form ofxra 1greðeinge
Xra Gretąxrah GRAY-tahⁿThe Sparrow Hawkproper noununspec. comp. form ofxragretą
Xra Hųngexra HOOⁿNG-ayEagle Kingproper noununspec. comp. form ofxra 1eaglehųngeCompareXra Hųngemiunspec. comp. form ofxra 1hųnge-mi 1
Xra Hųngemixrah HOOⁿNG-ay-meeEagle Queenproper noununspec. comp. form ofxra 1eaglehųnge-mi 1femalecontracted variant ofmingeCompareXra Hųngeunspec. comp. form ofxra 1hųnge
xra mashųXRAH mah-SHOOⁿunspec. comp. form ofxra 1eaglemashųfree variant ofmasųfree variant ofxra masųunspec. comp. form ofxra 1masų 1
xra masųXRAH mah-SOOⁿeagle feathernoununspec. comp. form ofxra 1eaglemasų 1featherFree Variantxra mashųXRAH mah-SHOOⁿ
xra pathąXRAH PAH-thahⁿbald eaglenoununspec. comp. form ofxra 1eaglepa1 2head (of an animal)thą2Free Variantxra pathųXRAH PAH-thooⁿ
Xra PiXRAH peeGood Eagleproper noununspec. comp. form ofxra 1eaglepi1 1goodFor this being listed as a Bear Clan name, Whitman notes in his book "The Oto" on page 25, "This name was acquired from Eagle gens with the gift of the Eagle wing.).CompareXra Pimiunspec. comp. form ofxra 1pi1 1
Xra PimiXRAH pee-meeGood Eagleproper nounGood Eagle Womanproper noununspec. comp. form ofxra 1eaglepi1 1goodCompareXra Piunspec. comp. form ofxra 1pi1 1
Xra S'agexrah s'AH-gayOld Eagleproper nounVenerable Man Who Is an Eagleproper nounOld Man Eagleproper noununspec. comp. form ofxra 1eagles'age 1oldfree variant of'agefree variant ofy'ageArchaic VariantThra Sh'agethrah sh'AH-gayFree VariantThra Sh'agethrah sh'AH-gayXra Y'agexrah y'AH-gayCompareXra S'agemiunspec. comp. form ofxra 1s'age 1-mi 1
Xra S'agemixrah s'AH-gay-meeOld Eagleproper noununspec. comp. form ofxra 1eagles'age 1oldfree variant of'agefree variant ofy'age-mi 1femalecontracted variant ofmingeCompareXra S'ageunspec. comp. form ofxra 1s'age 1
Xra Sujexrah SOO-jayRed Eagleproper noununspec. comp. form ofxra 1eaglesuje 1redCompareXra Sujemiunspec. comp. form ofxra 1suje 1-mi 1
Xra Sujemixrah SOO-jay-meeRed Eagleproper noununspec. comp. form ofxra 1eaglesuje 1red-mi 1femalecontracted variant ofmingeCompareXra Sujeunspec. comp. form ofxra 1suje 1
XradamiXRAH-dah-meeEagle Flying Aroundproper noununspec. comp. form ofxra-mi 1femalecontracted variant ofminge
XraingeXRAH-eeng-ayLittle Eagleproper noununspec. comp. form ofxra 1eagleingefree variant ofshingeCompareXraingemiunspec. comp. form ofxra 1inge-mi 1
XraingemiXRAH-eeng-ay-meeLittle Eagleproper noununspec. comp. form ofxra 1eagleingefree variant ofshinge-mi 1femalecontracted variant ofmingeCompareXraingeunspec. comp. form ofxra 1inge
xranyiXRAH-nyeehungryadjective-verbHįxranyi ke/ki.I am hungry.Rixranyi?Are you hungry?antwinąnje 1winąnje 2unspec. comp. formuxranyihungernounThe context of this term is assumed to be a noun since Thwaites (through Maximilian) didn't classify it as a verb. Technically it is a verb (adjective-verb) but if the author listed it as a noun, perhaps it could be used in that capacity.I am hungryyou are hungrydie of hungervery hungry
xranyi ch'eXRAH-nyee ch'EHdie of hungerverbunspec. comp. form ofxranyich'e
xranyi dąnraXRAH-nyee DAHⁿ-nahvery hungryadjective-verbunspec. comp. form ofxranyidąnraCompareugraxranyiingeunspec. comp. form ofuxranyigra- -ingeuxranyiunspec. comp. form ofu- 4xranyi 1
*xrasheXRAH-shaycry out, shriek, or quavering voiceverbmake cry or shriek by bitingmake cry out once by holding, pinching, or pullingpush, punch, or thrust at a person and make them crymake cry by bearing or blowing onplay on a flute
XrasjiXRAH-sjeeTrue Eagleproper nounReal Eagleproper noununspec. comp. form ofxra 1eagle-sjiCompareXrasjimiunspec. comp. form ofxra 1-sji-mi 1
XrasjimiXRAH-sjee-meeTrue Eagleproper nounReal Eagle Femaleproper noununspec. comp. form ofxra 1eagle-sji-mi 1femalecontracted variant ofmingeCompareXrasjiunspec. comp. form ofxra 1-sji