je'e1JEH'-ehthisJe'e wogrąnge mįtawe ke.This is my hat.Wogrąnge je'e mįtawe ke.This hat is mine.Hamilton notes, "Though two vowels, frequently pronounced as one syllable."unspec. comp. formje are e'aje arethgeje dąhajehejethgethis one near methesethis, these (near the speaker)hereThe idea behind this sense is "this here" or "these here."this, before onecomposed ofje arethgetąContracted Variantje2jehComparega'ese'e1tonighthere it isthis is itthis onethis one isthis isthis is ahere they arethese areby this time (of past)henceforthhence forwardfrom this timehave thought previously that it was just as one sees him, her, or itbe just as one thought and said - used after seeing the condition of affairsbe just as one said it was - used after seeing the condition of affairsin, by, or near this standing inanimate object or collection of inanimate objects before usfor or on account of this animate object standing before uslike this standing inanimate object or collection of inanimate objectsby this time (of past)henceforthhenceforwardfrom this timefacing this waywe are standing here, by ourselveswe are here, moving, by ourselvesthis reclining animate or long inanimate object before ushere lyinglie down herethis animate object that went hence, and is standing in sight at a short distancethis animate object that went hence and is reclining at a short distancethis long inanimate object extending hence for a short distancethis animate object that went hence, and is standing at a short distance, and in sightby or near these animate objects who have gone hence, etc.these whothese persons whothese animals whichat this lengththis moving animate object (before us)this standing animate object (before us)this curvilinear inanimate object (before us)this curvilinear inanimate objectthis (part of a whole)this (book, paper, garment, land, etc.)by means of or from this curvilinear inanimate object, this curvilinear collection of inanimate objects, this place, these (persons or animals before us)these whothese person whothese animals whichby or near this moving animate object (before us) (if walking)by or near this moving animate object (before us)these whothese persons whothese animals whichthese scattered inanimate objects (before us)go this way (in the speaker's own footprints, made previously)hereright herethisthison this sidethis only