Search results for "babor"

baborbabɔːrnbird with colorful stripes that flies by night1.6.1.2Bird
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thétthɛtvs1wrongNgai lâyq cacháq thét lâyq cacháq thoat.They didn’t accuse of wrong didn’t accuse of wrong.Dyê idoq táq thét ado a–aq, cốh babor xua cha idau tingôi aki nnéh ân lâyq he hôm babor pôc ingay. After he had done wrong to crow, then babor lsearched to eat by night until the present that we don't see babor birds going by day.4.7.3Break the law8., unsuitable4.3.1.1Bad, immoral2incorrect; missedThét upéinh, lâyq cray.He missed, didn't shoot accurately.antcray2synchúr7.7.2Aim at a target
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tôngtoːŋvt2sayBabor tông ado a–aq, tông, “May tran day anhuôi, au.”Babor bird said to crow, said, “You paint me first, okay.”Cốh ape tông ado Achít, “May mout tapun acho.”So they said to No.10, “You go in after dog.”Any speech following tông is direct speech.cfpiredup:papi papoi; caus:papi; nomi:parpi; recp:tarpi; invol:tapitacang1rt-n:cang; recp:tarcangtammông 13.5.1Say
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loi2lɔːjadv1further; additionallyDyê, do tông, dyê may tran nday loi.Finished, he said, already you paint mine furtherMa Babor tông loi, tông, “May tran day o lư o au!”But Babor said further, said, “You paint me very pretty, hear!”cfaliêh 1rt-v:liêh1tưi8.1.4More8.3Quality2more; additional
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táqtaʔ1vtwork, do, make, build; act; fight; causeIngay tốq xéiq pứq o vi táq ado mêng, do bán mêng loi.When become grown big, it’s good to work for one’s self, he raises himself.Ape counh táq xu; ape cán táq xác, chóuh xán, chóuh póung….Men build houses; women do weeds, plant manioc, plant taro….Dyê idoq táq thét ado a–aq, cốh Babor xua cha idau.After doing wrong to Crow, so Babor hunts food at night.Táq arâq két (táq ngkét két).Act childishly, immaturely.Táq mpưt pưt.To act big.Ngki ngai xear táq pecon, ngai chât.Then they descended fought enemies, they speared.Translates with English ‘be’ in roles, e.g., táq_areaih ‘be chief’, but ‘do/act chief’ in Pacoh thinking.7Physical actions6.1Work2vtmake3vtwork4vtact5vtfight6vtcookTốq dyê ilayh ngai táq ngai chicha lư thơm te ntruôi ticár.When morning, they cook and eat very early from the roosters' crowing.7auxcause
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chacaːvt1eatBabor lâyq dáh xua cha ingay, adáh A–aq cacheit.The babor doesn’t dare search eat by day, afraid Crow will kill him.5.2.2Eat2defeat; profit; winDo ân péinh lư cray cốh bôn cha do ân péinh thét.Whoever shoots accurately defeats/wins over whoever shoots wrong.If very poor land, say lâyq_ibôn_cha ‘no profit/potential’; if potential, say, bôn_cha.

cha 1eat

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ta-1tav.pfxcausativeBabor idứh dyeal llám ân coum, ma íh tran, dyeal daq ân coum idứh your tahoum a-aq ngéq clóuc tốq cháq tốq tarbóh tốq adyưng, vaih ngéq coum.Babor took a piece of black, but didn’t draw, took black water and bathed crow completely saturated to body, to beak to legs, became all black.synpa-cfca-
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dyê ngcốhʄeː ʔəŋkohconjnext; then; after that; at thatDyê ngcốh babor idứh dyeal llám cucháh ân coum.Next the owl took a piece of black rice.Dyê ngcốh, cốh ngai chou.After that they returned.8.4Time9.2.5.2Clause conjunctions8.4.6.2Past
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ingayʔiŋajadv.t1dayNgay when following tong ‘all’.; MK cognate with VNantidau 1cfayóung mátngay28.4.1Period of time8., today, tomorrow1.1.1Sun2day time§ Cốh babor lâyq dáh pôc ingay, lâyq dáh xua cha ingay, adáh a–aq cacheit. § So/then Bird did not dare go during day time, not dare seek eat during day time, feared crow would kill him., today, tomorrow3day
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