Search results for "keoq"

keoqkɛːwʔnflat of blade of bushknife, not the edgeKếh icoaih do kếh, bâq idoq inâh, kếh bâq ngai kéh ikéh ti keoq acóuq kếh chéh, kếh ibôn pru, kếh bôn uih.So one shaves that, then puts it like this, then one strikes against a blade of a bushknife, then it sparks, then one gets to blow, then have fire.cfpla1spec:pla abayhpla2spec:pla canưa pla achiupc
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pla1plaːnfish hook; classifier for hook-like thingscfkeoq
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pla2plaːnknife blade, saw blade; sharpened edgecfkeoq8.3.2.3Sharp8.6Parts of things
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kéh3kɛhvstrike flint, with or without a lighterKếh bâq ngai kéh ikéh ti keoq acóuq kếh chéh, kếh ibôn pru, kếh bôn uih.Then finally they struck and struck it against the back/side?? of a bushknife so it burned, then they were able to blow on it, then they had fire.Do kéh bec lư iên.He strikes a lighter very easily.Kéh_ikéh indicates repeated action.kéh ikéhunspec. comp. formvstrike
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