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áhʔahvtdivide, cut up7.8Divide into pieces
áh a–érʔah ʔaʔɛrexpof melodious singing2.3.2.3Types of sounds
áh r–áh páh rpôexpdivide into groups
ámʔamtitletitle ‘father’ followed by name of eldest child; Father (of) LarryÁm Larry (Counh Larry)root of a–ám 4.1.9Kinshippa
án1ʔanpro3SG, he, she, it9.2.3Pronounspa; pk
án crơqʔan krɤːʔvtear; shrink clothán implies unknown agentpk
áơhʔɯ̰hvtrying to stand with heavy load6.1.2.1Try, attempt
ápʔapsp. var.–ápvtboil food, simmer for a long timesynpức1sit: pức apúrtrau
áq ân xêpʔaʔ ʔɤn seːpnregistry; bound book
át1ʔatauxImperfective (IPFV); engaged inAchít idứh lâyq catayh, át tanh dơi.No.10 didn’t reply, kept weaving continually.Ndóung Yuxep át rngíh tốq parnai ngcốh cốh….While Joseph was thinking about that matter, then….This gives a continuative sense to a following verb in contrast to doq which gives a completive sense.cfdông5
át2ʔatvlbe at, stay, live at, reside
át chaʔat caːvilive; behavecfcadyiq cadứng
át cha ha kínʔat caː haː kinidiomexpression used in story telling to express a couples living together for however long.cftáq cha ha kín
át tayứngʔat tajɯŋvlstanding position; stay standing7.1.1Stand8States