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axaʔasaːvappease spirit with sacrifice of chicken for adultery, etc.
axaiʔasaːjngingercfrnam5. from roots
axai akiênʔasaːj ʔakiənnginger
axamʔasaːmnkind of grass good for cattleO lư xác axam.Very good axam grass.Doesn’t grow tall.1.5Plant1.5.5Parts of a plant
axánʔasannbad cold, coughCư a–ay axán.I have a cold.2.5.2Disease
axâq1ʔasɤʔnhulled ricesynbáq2recp:parbáq; nomi:parbáq; invol:tabáqcfacamalácaxeinhpk dial.: axánhdouioum troinstr:adêngpiróung5. from seeds6.2.6.2Mill grain6. rice
axâq2ʔasɤʔexclactually??Axâq, nám imout ticu dáng atiêih cốh layh pallô.Damn, if one enters and sits on the ramp then the deadfall will fire.Axâq ma ipe ính o cucheit dyê Achít.Damn, you want No.10 dead.Do kếh hôi ngai parrouih, parrouih axâq cáh vi lư inô ntra kếh ikếh ngai tông parrouih a axâq ính thét, thét a–i át thét pár–át a–i íh vi parrouih amâh.Lewd word when not used as exclamation?pc
axâq axéinhʔasɤʔ ʔasḭɲnhulled rice
axârʔasɤrv1take up2put up3rise up
axâr carpéhʔasɤr kər.pɛhvpraise price; increase in value6.8.4.3Price
axaơl1ʔasɯ̰ːlncrest of crested birdcfmông1spec:mông ntruôitileangspec:tileang ntruôi1.6.2Parts of an animal
axaơl2ʔasɯ̰ːlnlong hair at back of head; top knotcfmông1spec:mông ntruôitileangspec:tileang ntruôi1.6.2Parts of an animal
axeinhʔasḭːɲaxéinhpaaxenhnrice grains cracked in poundingTrứh axéinh o béinh, tróh piróung o tumóung.Sow cracked rice to be strong, sow whole rice to live.cfacamalácaxâq1piróung5. from seeds1.5.5Parts of a plant
axeinh amóuh atóuh aruaʔasḭːɲ ʔamṵh ʔatṵh ʔaruəidiomDon’t think badly of my speakingAcâp rngíh ân lâyq o cư tông.Don’t think badly of my speaking.Ngai cannóh cáh bôn ngcâp a–em achai axeinh amóuh atóuh arua.There aren’t any others, brothers and sisters don’t think badly of my speaking.
axeoʔasɛːwvtfearCadyéq achát axeo achát, cadyiq acốq axeo acốq.Hold an axe fear an axe, hold a bushknife fear a bushknife.
axéhʔasɛhn1donkey1. animals2horsecflưa1. animals
axéh 1donkey
axéh 2horse
axéinhʔasḭɲPronunc.Variant ofaxeinh
axénhncracked ricepa
axêuʔaseːwvbe afraidsynadáhcallaqrt-v:claqndáh
axeangʔasḭaŋnsmall porcupine, hedgehog (nests in rocks)cfngcouihcl:lám; pa dial.:ngcôihngcôihcl: lám; pl dial.: ngcouihparxáp1.
AxeangnpropMr. Windy
axeapʔasḭapnsmallest black bat1.
axearʔasḭarvttake down
axeauqʔasḭawʔvtfearNám bưih a–ay kếh cáh tâc ma nám a–ay kếh itâc, ngai plốh chom lư do cha chom íh plốh, axeauq nám a–ay kếh.If not sick then don’t use, but if sick then one uses them, they examine to find out what is eating, afraid if it is that sickness.