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ChinpropChi, eldest daughter of Cubuot
Chính-phusp. var. ofchính phugovernment
chacaːvt1eatBabor lâyq dáh xua cha ingay, adáh A–aq cacheit.The babor doesn’t dare search eat by day, afraid Crow will kill him.5.2.2Eat2defeat; profit; winDo ân péinh lư cray cốh bôn cha do ân péinh thét.Whoever shoots accurately defeats/wins over whoever shoots wrong.If very poor land, say lâyq_ibôn_cha ‘no profit/potential’; if potential, say, bôn_cha.
cha 1eat
cha ariêucaː ʔariəwvpfeast; celebrate5.2.2.3Feast
cha atróunh apóunh mpárcaː ʔatrṵɲ ʔapṵɲ ʔəmparidiomeat garbageTou cha atróunh apóunh mpár ngai.We eat other’s garbage.5.2.2Eat
cha bíq cha bíqcaː biʔ caː biʔidiomlive at ease, in luxury
cha lôncaː loːnvteat swallow
cha lúhcaː luhvquit as soon as wins
cha lứccaː lɯkvtgreedy
cha noncaː nɔːnvpeat rice without xao or vice versa5.2.2Eat
cha ngingaycaː ŋiŋajvpeat a meal without rice
cha panghatcaː pəŋhaːtvipunished; penalizedDo ân vi táq thét ado cuya cốh cuya phat (do cha panghat).One who wronged his in-laws so in-laws penalize.
cha pálcaː palvteat chew
cha tampâccaː təm.pɤkvpfeast; celebratecftampâcrt-v:tâc; pl dial.:tampức5.2.2.3Feastpa
cha tikepcaː tikɛːpvtdefeat; conquerAcâp doq callong nốh ân lâyq o cha tikep tou.Don’t let evil defeat you.
chachâpcacɤpvsing love songssynbaboiqbaboiqtachâpcfcalơipl dial.:carlơicarlơispec:táq carlơihatoat4.2.3.3Sing
chacheilcacḭːladvon side, sidewayscfprâp2pl dial.:prứpprứp7.2.2Move in a direction8.5.2Direction
chachêngcaceːŋvsleep/lie catercornered in bed; leaning on an angle5.7Sleep
chachiêhcaciəhvoppose; reverseParngíh parnai may chachiêh alứng parngíh parnai cư.Your idea opposes mine.cftacháttaplít
chachiêihcaciəsvsopposite direction8.
chachoihcacɔːsvlay straight with bed
chachóuccacṵkn(house) lizard
chachôrcacoːrvishow off, boast, bragChachôr pahít, ayô bôm.Praise oneself.synpahítcfpipưtpupưt4.3.2.3Proud3.