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iʔaʔiːn.kinmother-titleroot of a–i 4.1.9Kinshippa; pk
i-ʔin.kin.pfxpossessed kinTốq mmo icounh?Where is your/our father?
i=2ʔi1indfproclitic form of ngâh unspecified (UNS) or anaphoric subject, ‘one, they, you’ (Imp.) Can be used in a clause modifying a noun where English would use a ‘to’ or ‘for’ purpose clause, e.g., Cốh_upôc_tốq_nnong_itáq_piday. ‘Then he went to the woods to make a field.’ Carchól lâyq_chom_amâh_i–ính.C didn’t know what to want.’.
Oddly, in one example
i= appears to verbalize otherwise non verbal words 'wind' and 'waves', i.e., Bâl ixeang bâl ihâp, acâp carlâc nnáng daq! "Enough wind, enough rushing, don’t make waves anymore water! pronouns
2imperImperative clitic form of ngâh preceding one-syllable verbsIbán acay o tumóung acayRaise children to live.Ipếq ipu iru i–ơi la iyư bôn o xéiq acay.Carry and comfort, remember to get the children well grown.
i-taqnmedic; nurseVietnamese
ibưʔibɯːadv.tafternoon8.4.1Period of time
ibư cốhʔibɯː kohadv.tthis afternoonsynibư nnéh8.4.1Period of time
ibư nnéhʔibɯː ʔən.nɛhadvpthis afternoonsynibư cốh
ibư parnôʔibɯː pər.noːadv.ttomorrow afternoon8.4.1Period of time
ibư rarong mátʔibɯː rarɔːŋ matadv.tevening8.4.1Period of time
icán1ʔikannbody or stock of crossbow, or of quiver
icán2ʔikannmother of a familyReferential use of ‘poss’d-woman’.
icán3ʔikannhulled rice that still has some husks on it
icán4ʔikanntop-ruler of an administration
icán tápʔikan tapadvmuch less; let alone
icán troʔikan trɔːnppounded grain still having hullssynicáq1
icáq1ʔikaʔnpounded rice that still has some hulls on; (mother of rice)synicán trocfacáq4cpart:avóuq, achau ‘grandchild’; pa dial.:apây
icáq2ʔikaʔn.kinposs’d grandmotherNám lâyq cốh may anha icáq táq xoul day.If not, then you and your grandmother will work as my slaves.
icátʔikatvtmake lines8.3.1.2Line6.6.5.1Draw, paint
icounhʔikṵːɲn.kinfather (referential term, e.g., ‘his man’)Day ính hôm icounh may.I want to see your father.I- added to kin terms whenever possessed.cfparcounhpa pk dial.:par–ám; cpart:parcán; rt:counh4.1.9Kinship
icốhʔikohadvlike that; thus; thusly9.5.1.4Way, manner9.1.5General adverbsi=1ikếh
icốh maʔikoh maːconjlike that but