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nhaɲaːPronunc.Variant ofanha2they(two)
nha ánɲaː ʔanprothey-two; 3DUKi nha án xeq xa pôq táq roiq alic.Then they asked to clean and go fix the pig’s intestines.9.2.3Pronounspk
nha barPronunc.Variant ofanha bar
nha daydial. var. ofanha day
nha thươngɲaː thɯəŋnhospitalVN
nhacɲaːkvscause-troubleLâyq o itáq proaq ngcốh ndóung ingay ariêu abưih ticuôi apaq táq hou táq nhac.Don’t do it during the feast lest people riot.
nhamɲaːmnhámboredvsbored; tired of; spoiledI–át toi lư cốh lâyq i–ính át.One stays a long time so doesn’t want to stay.
nhannhéoqɲəɲ.ɲɛwʔexpof something bobbing up and down rapidly in fast stream
nhannhomnfall seasonNno nhannhom la nno carlân lxám anha atóuq. Fall season is the season between winter and hot.
nhannhóungɲəɲ.ɲṵŋvihabitually perceive; look; taste, smellHe canưi xeq Yang Rbang nhanhóung tikeap ipe.We pray God to keep watching and guard you.2.3.1See2.3.1.1Look
nhannhơrɲəɲ.ɲɤːrexpburning with angry
nhanh nhéoqɲaːɲ ɲɛwʔexpanticipate-what-speaker-is-sayingsynlalléoq
nhanhiêmɲaɲiəmvicrying3.4.2.1Sad3.5.6.5Cry, tear2.3.2.3Types of sounds
nhanhiêm cracríqɲaɲiəm krakriʔvicry brokenheartedly on and on3.4.2.1Sad3.5.6.5Cry, tear2.3.2.3Types of sounds
nhanhomɲaɲɔːmadv.tfall season (August-October)But really based on rice and corn crops, not weathercfnno8.4.1Period of time8.4Time8.4.1.1Calendar
nhaq1ɲaːʔnkind of trapTáq nhaq táq aram.Make kind of trap, make fish trap.6.4.2Trappa
nhaq2ɲaːʔvsfast; quicklyantanhếqcfanhaqpayaơr7.2.1.2Move quickly9.2.2Adverbs
nhaq anhếqɲaːʔ ʔaɲeʔadvreadysynlâyq túh iyoa
nharɲaːrvszealous; enthusiastic
nhar nhamɲaːr ɲaːmexpof full, thick beard; Of full, thick beard.Nhar nham abơnh.
nhayhɲasvsfrustrated??Nang Tangức hôm nhayh cuméiq cốh do cato icop dáng adyưng.NT will be frustrated in a little-while then she will instruct you to catch it by the leg.
nháhunspec. var. ofcáh3involuntary
nhálɲaladvof carelessly hitting, not care where hit7.7.1Hit
nhámɲamPronunc.Variant ofnhambored