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va1waːnmilk fruit; star apple (large tree)syntarúng11.5.1Tree1.5.5Parts of a plant
va2waːncleared place
va vaơrwaː wɯ̰ːrexpof looking up so that cannot hold eyelids open
vai vítwaːj witviexposesynyayaq
vaihwaːsvtbecomes, appears; inchoativeVaih acho lâyq hôi xâr tốq tua along.Became so dog couldn’t climb to the top of the tree.Cadâq nnéh phai pidóh ma dyoun o vaih carta.This squash seed must explode and causes a ladder to appear.Hôi anhúq tarclaiq adyưng vaih prứp.Hôi suffered her foot slipped so happened she fell.Icounh vaih dóuc.Their father became angry.syncơt1cflangúctroc19.1.1.2Become, change state
vaih cơtwaːs kɤːtvtbecome like in actions; turn into9.1.1.2Become, change state
vaih tingôiwaːs tiŋoːjvsto the point that; so much that9.2.5.2Clause conjunctions9Grammar
val vaiwaːl waːjsp. var.valvaivspatient perseveringanthâr hâpcfiláq8.4.8.2Slow
valvaiwəl.waːjsp. var. ofval vai
van1waːnvpray, plead for God’s help
van2waːnnumten thousand; 10,000syncarchít chítmâh chít ngin8.1.1Number
vangwaːŋnring at top of basket6.6.4.2Weaving baskets and mats
vang cadâqwaːŋ kadɤʔnhalo around moon1.1.1.1Moon
varwaːrvtdrill (a hole)cfcar1nomi:canarchóh2sit:chóh tuôc; sit:chóh tupál; nomi:parchóh
vatwaːtvtdraw and set bowstring; set trap6.4.2Trap4.8.3.7Weapon, shoot
vavéiqwawḭʔviwalk??Yêxu át vavéiq dáng dúng Yang dáng ngcưm Xa-lamôn.Jesus was walking in the temple in the porch of Solomon.
vayhwasvsearch forKếh nưm a–i kếh chom pi, kếh iyao mu acay idứh pôc vayh.So only the mother knew how to talk, so she instructed the children to go search.synvéihnomi: parvéih; recp: tarvéih; redup: vivéih véihxuarep: xuxua; recp: tarxuapa; pc
vayứng yứngwajɯŋ jɯŋnstanding position
váh1wahvtrow boatsyncour 1nomi:pacour, parcour; recp:tarcour; invol:tacour; pk dial.:cor; nomi:canour7.
váh2wahvsshatteredTóup uváh.He shattered it completely.
váh aveauwah ʔawḭawexpshouting continually because other person does not hear