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válwalvtmeasure (volume, capacity)Cư vál dyoun amay cacháq tro mâh aloun.I measured gave you one basketful of grain.8.1Quantity8.2.8Measure
vánwanngongs, pans, etc.--anything made of metal, especially gold, silver, or brass
váng minhwaŋ miːɲvsbe civilizedpc; paVN
váng vơngwaŋ wɤːŋexpclumsy
váq1waʔvprepare; serve; put food in serving basketcfdoq 1caus:padoq, tadoq; nomi:pardoq; recp:tardoq; invol:tadoq; rep:didoq, dadoq5.2.1Food preparation
váq2waʔvtborrow indefinitelyMoney, food.cfmanhcaus:pamanh, tamanh; nomi:parmanh; recp:tarmanh6.8.5Borrow
vár1warvtattackNkếh ape Arứm vár pecon.Then those of Arum attacked the enemy.
vár2warvssicker from eating something hard on stomach when already sick2.5.1Sick
vátwatvtdefeatTốq idau ipôc, ipôc vát loi veil.At night they went, went to defeat the village further.
vát ivátwat ʔiwatsp. var.vát-ivátexpmany going every which wayPeople, cars, fish, etc.cftóuc vóucvóuc ivóuc8.1.3.1Many, much
vâcwɤkvpull with curled arms7.3.2.8PullVN
vâlwɤlvwind aroundSnub cord around tree-so animal, etc., cannot pull away.synpârnomi:parpâr; recp:tarpâr; invol:tapâr
vânwɤnvroll cigarette
vât1wɤtvthrow away7.4.5.2Throw awaypc
vât2wɤtadvall around; all over; thoroughly; futilely; throughoutMay pôc xua o vât.Go look everywhere thoroughly.Cư pôc xua vât na piday ngcốh .I went searching all over the field thoroughly (but futilely?).synlim2
vâyqwɤjʔnroll of string on stick for weaving fish net
vaơiqwɯ̰ːjʔvgrab also--when not supposed to.Do vaơiq peih ac.Of child grabbing something told not.
vaơngwɯ̰ːŋexpfish jumping high
vewɛːvtshow how3.6.1Show, explain
vec ivecwɛːk ʔiwɛːkexpof pig call; squealing
veic veicwḭːk wḭːknsqueal of pig caught