English - Pacoh



left sideavearʔawḭardial. var.aviêrvsleft sideTi avear.Left hand.antatâm8.5.2.3Right, leftti aviêrtiː ʔawḭarnleft sideantti atâm8.5.2.3Right, left
legadyưngʔaʄɯːŋdyưngnfoot, leg; foot of mountaincfplô1.2.1.1Mountain1.6.2Parts of an animalchoi2cɔːjnlower leg (of animal)1.6AnimaldyưngʄɯːŋPronunc.Variant ofadyưngnfoot; leg
leg-bicepsapomʔapɔːmncalf; thigh; large part of upper or lower leg1.6.2Parts of an animal
legendntoiqʔəntɔːjʔnlegend--history from past to presentNưm ikếh ixáng ntoiq Pacóuh, chom lư chom cáh, anâh ahân.Only like that one listens to a Pacoh legend, don't know if true or not, ancient.cfnxoar
legscardyéngkər.ʄɛŋnthin, slender arms and legsantcardứq
lemonpiêih chengpiəs cɛːŋnlime; lemon1.5.1Tree1.5.5Parts of a plant
lenddyoun manhʄṵːn maːɲvtlend; loanTools, clothes.; MK6.8.5.1Lend6.8.5Borrowdyoun váqʄṵːn waʔvtlend; loanMoney, food.; MK6.8.5.1Lend6.8.5Borrow
lengthntrayh1ʔəntrasclClassifier for long things: string, vine, worm, etc.8.2.2Longthúcthuknlength of wood, balepaproihpaprɔːsvslength; lengthwisecftoiq38.2.2Long8.2.8MeasurentréihʔəntrḭhclClassifier for long things: string, vine, worm, etc.8.2.2Longlhoiqʔəl.hɔːjʔnlengthsynntrayh3páng1paŋnlength of fence with traps
length of clothnnaiʔən.naːjnloincloth, skirt (nnai_ayơq); a length of clothcfayơq
length-of-two-feetchoaq2cṵaʔna measure: length of two feet
lengths??píhpihnlengths??Do palong vít tốq daq, dyoun daq dông xông píh.He caused it to be carried away on the water, and let the water carry five lengths??.
leopardculakulaːntiger or leopardtrang3traːŋnleopard, panther1.ʄraːŋnsmall striped leopard1.
leprosykiukiːwncontagious or terrible disease, e.g., leprosybóq1bɔʔvleprosy (3 kinds)Hansen’s disease2.5.2.2Skin disease2.1.4Skinkiu cankiːw kaːnncontagious or terrible disease, e.g., leprosy
less_thantupuyqtupujʔvslack, be incomplete, be short of, insufficient; less thanHe Pacóuh tumóung callúng Yoan: chír mâh túc ma ngéq tupuyq.We Pacoh living in VN: all kinds but lack everything.Cư tupuyq práq.I lack money.Ixeam cư, John, tupuyq cư mâh chít cumo.My younger brother, John is less than me ten years.Ixeam cư, John, cumo carnean do tupuyq cư mâh chít cumo.My younger brother, John was born less than me ten years.antatôm 1synatôm 1xiêuqcftapuyq28.1.7.2Lack
lessenpangclaipəŋ.klaːjvtlessen; relieve of griefcfpangclu3.ːjvtlessen; relieve of griefArâq daq atóuq lư, lâyq châm ingoiq, cốh idyeal daq tangan, iclai.Like water too hot to drink, but get cold water to lessen it.Anáq irâu ma nám vi yâu pôc calloun, cốh clai ân râu, ân angoaq, ân alang.Although sad, but if there are friends to go entertain, then relieve the sadness, loneliness, missing.ơttabɤːtvtdiminish; lessenCư ma tabơt iclaq iclia.My worries will be diminished.
lessen-priceatut1ʔatuːtvdecrease; lessen price, shorten timeNgai yoa pe kixay cốh ma ngai atut, nnáng bar kixay.They said three months but they shortened, only two months.cfcarouiq
lesseraplaiqʔaplaːjʔvslesser; more poorlyAtiêt tông, “Au may táq arâq cư tưi. Imo may aplaiq, yâu ơi?”Parrot said, “If you do like me, why do you do more poorly, friend?”
less-thantadưp 2tadɯːpprepless than, smaller than; belowMmay két tadưp ngcư.Yours small under mine.Tarcu tadưp ban, ban taniêng tarcu.Chair under table, table above chair.anttaniêngtilât 19.2.4Prepositions, postpositions8.1.4.1Less
less-than-can-of-ricetaơch aơchtɯ̰ːc ʔɯ̰ːcexpof less than can of rice
less-than-completepơtpɤːtvless than complete so suspect someone or something has stolen, or to steal part for oneself.Lâyq bôn arâq tiaq, nnau pơt?There isn’t as much as before--who took some?Arâq bôn boaiq mâh chít lám cốh ma cư doq peih bar lám, lâyq ngéq cư dyoun. (Arâq Anania anha Saphira doq pơt.)ed.Like having ten fish , but I kept two, I didn’t give all. (Like Ananias and Sapphira kept back).If pơt then something is missing so suspect; if doq_pơt, someone really did steal.cfyíq
letdoq 1dɔːʔvtletDoq cư câl along ngki cuméiq.Let me chop down that tree in a minute.cfdyoun2váq17.4.5.1Leave something7.5.9Put3.3.5Offer3.3.4.1Give permissiondyoun1 1ʄṵːnauxlet; permitLâyq ngai dyoun icounh idứh cha.They didn’t let their father eat.Cadứq nnéh phai pidóh ma dyoun o vaih carta.This squash must explode and cause a ladder to appear.Tiriaq ngcốh ám dyoun ado pe Hu váq.That buffalo father gave to one of Hu to borrow.See that the Dative can contain a clause as well as a NP. May_thoar_dyoun_acư_hôm is another example, but could also be said without the Dative. permissionnteqʔəntɛːqvtlet; allowdông4doːŋimperletdyôn2 2ʄoːnvtletDyôn cư pôc alứng achai, au.Let me go with you, okay.
let’schâqcɤʔsp. var.chớqinterjlet’s; hey (initial particle, exclamation)Châq he pôc.Let’s go.Châq cư ticu.Let me sit down (move over).cfau14.5.3.2Command
let-aloneicán tápʔikan tapadvmuch less; let alone
let-beting1tiːŋvtlet be; leave alone; ignoreTing mmay.It’s your decision. permission