English - Pacoh



telllay2lajvtellNgai doq pi doq lay aliêh.They told and told again.synpipipiːvttell; speak; converse; explainApe tammun plốh do, yoa do pi rcám ân do acám.The followers asked/ordered him to explain the parables he told.synlay2cfparnai1pithoartarcaoqtôngthoar3.5.4.3Riddle3.5.4Story3.5.8.4Show, indicate3.5.1Say3. ntêrtaːʔ ʔənteːrvtell; speak; teachtantêrtənteːrvtellNgai hôm táp ki ngai chou tantêr alứng yâu tâq veil.They saw suddenly then they returned to tell friends at the village.ntêrʔənteːrvt2tell on someone, report; notifyDo pi ntêr o rlayh angai na ân parlayh parhanh YR.He explained definitely to them the way of God’s words.cfpithoartarcaoqthoar
tell abouttumôihtumoːsvtremind; review; recite; tell about; praiseLla ính tumôih ki vi ngéq; lla Cantưi ính dyôn vi ngéq.Whatever want to speak of so have all; whatever Orphan wants to give he has all.Cang ân dyơr itông, tumôih.Clearing throat, reminds him of someone.Can be bad, but usually good thoughts/memories.synbâq13.5.1Say
tell-firstcloahklṵahvitell firstDo ính tông ma do cốh tông cloah axuôi.Acâp icloah ngâh pi–ốh angai cốh.Don’t steal thunder, don’t be angry at them.Go ahead with someone else’s story before they can tell it.syndyóh
tell-fortunestáq boiqtaʔ bɔːjʔvptell fortunes; diviningCán ngcốh táq boiq dyeal tiên práq dyoun ado án padúng.She told fortunes and took the money to her owners.
tell-liesa–oaiʔaʔṵajvitell liesMươc ngai, acâp a–oai acâp ayec.Respect others, don’t lie don’t deceive.synapétyóulcfacâtpilốh23. a lie
tell-mythmmonʔəm.mɔːnvtell myth
tell-oncaoqkaːwʔvitell on; tattle; accuse; charge; denouncesyna rliêhnưqpi thoar4.7.5.3Accuse, confront
tell-storynxoarʔənsṵarvttell a storyReal or fiction.; Object is the story--no general term.cfntoiq3.5.4Story
tell-ungrateful, not recognizing my love and helpnhiêtɲiətvtell ungrateful, not recognizing my love and helpCư o ado ma do lâyq chom cư amouih cốh tốq loi cư tông ado, “Imo Cư pour amouih may ma may lâyq chom?”I’m good to him but he doesn’t understand I pity him so next time I’ll say to him, “Why do I help and pity you but you don’t understand?”
temperbóun apâtbṵn ʔapɤtvptemper planting stick in fire so hard
temper-irondyúc2ʄukvttemper iron with fire and watercftroaq
templemécmɛkntemple--pressure point on each side of head
temporarily1dɤːadvtemporarilyAchai át dơ avai dáng dúng cư bar pe pêl tốq dyơ dúng achai cốh achai tôi.You stay temporarily at my house two to three meals until your house is finished, then you move. modifies actions and nouns; idơ only modifies nouns.cfidơ
temporaryidơʔidɤːadjtemporaryHe át dáng xu idơ ndóung táq xu tamme.We stay at a temporary house while building a new house.antaclangcf12
tempttuluiq talúqtuluːjʔ taluʔvttempt; seducesynclíhtalíh2pa–ôiqpaʔoːjʔvttempt; appeal to lust of eyesE.g., seductive dress or scenes on TV.synclốhpaxúqpaxúqpasuʔvttempt; teach evil, get another to do bad deed for you; inciteAcâp tông Yang Rbang paxúq do táq rnáq ân thét.Don’t say that God tempts to do wrong.synclốhpa–ôiqcfchuaq1chuaq2tanôqtadâyhtadɤsvtgrip; temptNnau tadâyh viêt nneh ân.Who caused this to be written?synpadâyhtalúqtaluʔvttempt, deceiveTông talúq arâq tông o ipôc alứng cư cốh bôn amâh ân may ính.To speak deceptively saying that it’s good to go with him to get what I want.synliêutaluiq clíhcachưckacɯːkvttempt, tell child it can do all the bad it wants3.3.3.3Persuadetaluiqtaluːjʔvttempt; test; deceive, e.g., use propaganda, bait, etc.Arâq ính cop ntruôi ma lâyq hôi, cốh paxoul dyoun tro, ma lâyq lư ính cheam, nưm cop.Like wanting to catch a chicken, but can’t so call it to come for grain, then catch it.clíhklihvttempt; test; deceive, e.g., use propaganda, bait, etc.syntalíh2tuluiq talúqpadâyhpadɤsvtgrip; temptDo padâyh o ibôn viêt.It grips me to want to have pen.Acâp ngâh doq padâyh a–em tuôh.Don’t cause y.sibling’s to break chopsticks.syntadâyhtarluiqtər.luːjʔvstempt; entrapParrán tarluiq.Bait for trapping.clốhklohvttemptsynpa–ôiqpaxúq
temptationcang ân phíqkaːŋ ʔɤn phiʔnptemptation; seductive speechXeq acâp doq he rpúc tốq cang ân phíq.Please don’t let us sink into temptation.
temptedtarlíh tarnôqtər.lih tər.noːʔvitemptedTou ipe ngâh candê, iên bưih cray tarlíh tarnôq.Be careful so escape being tempted yourselves.
tenmoui chítmṵːj citnumten; 108.1.1Numbermuchítmucitnumten; 10mâh chítmɤh citnumten; numbersmôi chítmoːj citnumten; 10chítcitnumten (preceded by another number)cfcarchít chít8.1.1Numbermui chítmuːj citnumten; 10
ten thousandmui chít nginmuːj cit ŋiːnnumten thousand8.1.1.1Cardinal numbersmâh chít nginmɤh cit ŋiːnnumten thousand; 10,000syncarchít chítcarchít chítvan28.1.1.1Cardinal numbers
tendermóungmṵŋvsyoung, tender, greencfxeng8.3.3.3Colormốngmoŋvsyoung, tender, greencfarmốngrmóung8.3.3.3Colorphúcphukvssoft; tenderVi callong cannóh loi ân cray tốq cuteac ân o ân phúc.There were other seeds that landed on soil that was good and soft.As corn already roasted.kinhômkiɲoːmvssoft; tender; suppleantcângleng 1leng 2synlnholulao 1nhom 1nhom, flimsy2.1.7Fleshnhom 1ɲɔːmvssoft; tenderantcrêng 1leng 2synkinhôm4. in behavior8.3.6.5Soft, flimsynhom nhíng
tender-heartednhom 3ɲɔːmvsfigtender hearted, quick to respond, quick to obeyantleng 1synapoukinhômlâyq châmlâyq raplnhonhom nhíng
tendoncanhnhíngkəɲ.ɲiŋntendon; stickcfaxun xancânh nhứngkɤɲ ɲɯŋntendonsynkinhứng1.6.2Parts of an animalkinhứngkiɲɯŋntendonsyncânh nhứng