âh1ʔɤhproforementioned; anaphoric pronoun ‘our’Kếh ixear táq âh bar lám ngcán ân kéiq culay priêng.Then they went down and fought the forementioned two women that picked fruit.Acay âh icounh tuyê ngcốh ân a–ay.The forementioned children’s monster father was sick.Imoq âh ldup lkhoung lâyq yốh hôi bôn ticu.His forementioned sister was flat on her back and couldn’t sit up.Nhóung icounh két âh táq tangcóng icóung, o lư tanh.Look at our little man acting like a married man, weaving so nicely.Tư chou tốq tíh te nen cán ape Arứm íh âh ape Cavaq.From returning there from land of Arưm women, they are not the forementioned of Cavaq.Ngai cúm adyưng anha cloi ati âh dáng xic.They clamped feet and tied hands of forementioned with chains.Do pôc lâng, xua ixai âh Ximôn.He went immediately to find his forementioned brother, Simon.Vi mâh náq nốh âh Dyon.There was one, name of forementioned, John.Cốh campay do âh Êli-xabêt át caréiq.Then his forementioned wife, Elizabeth, was hiding.This âh occurs at the end of a noun phrase. In the first example below, it appears that âh is the head of a noun phrase, or is a noun phrase followed by an appositional noun phrase. (Meaning not clear.)cfamâh2anhâhcl:náqapâhcl:náqdâh2idứh 19.2.3Pronouns
âh2ʔɤhprtcompletely; superlativeNgai tông ipe táq piday lư o. O, o âh, o lư, ke bư.They say you make very good fields. Good, excellent, very good, friend.Cáh yốh vi llong, cat âh dyê.There was not yet any vegetation, it had completely burned up already.Tốq cannóh ma cáh vi âh ticuôi.Elsewhere there were not any?? people.Can occur in place of lư or together with it. (Meaning not clear.)cfanhâhcl:náqapâhcl:náqpc; pa
ân1ʔɤnrel1relativizer ‘that’, ‘which’Vi do ân pôc páq.There are those who go picking.Nám nno ân tumua..If it’s a season that’s a bumper crop….The relativizer can refer to a previously mentioned head noun, or serve as its own head noun ‘that which’. Stative verbs do not require a relativizer, but when it occurs it specifies a particular one or group.; Alves’ ‘predicate taking relator noun’.cfN= pronouns2that are, theNgai ân areaih xaxai phat.The elders penalize.ndo2do
ân ngâh amaŋɤh ʔamaːrel.clbe something; be a kind of somethingCốh nưm ngéq mma mbár ân ngâh ama ma bưih hôi talóuh yôl pilư.So everything that is something that cannot be shaken will remain.
ârʔɤrvsleep with side to fire; space between fire and person5.7Sleep
âuq i–âuqʔɤwʔ ʔiʔɤwʔexpuproar; many talking at once; a ruckus; chaosTapóuh ape ân ê ân clứng lư âuq i–âuq carchâu, par–ốh.The crowd was arguing chaotically, shouting at each other.Ngai át clứng lư âuq i–âuq carchâu, par–ốh.They were many in an uproar of arguing, angrily.cfheau iheau