Pacoh - English


óhʔɔhvibreak (string), to snapcfti–óh7.9Break, wear out
óh lomʔɔh lɔːmvpbreak heartcfroaiq2
óiʔɔjv??Kếh cloun âh nưm icloun íh bôn icloun pôc xu Yoan panóh cloun ói ngkếh.So only play, not like going to a VN hut to play like?? that.
ókʔɔkclCl. seed, small round objects--jewels, stones; classifier for a little bit1.5Plant1.5.1TreepaVN
óuc ca–ouʔṵk kaʔṵːexpcock-a-doodle-doo; crow of roosterÓuc ca–ou, a–ouiq ticár.Cock-a-doodle-doo, the chicken crows.
óuhʔṵhvsdigested; fermented
óulʔṵlvnot enjoying meal because eating alone5.2.2Eat
óunh i–óunhʔṵɲ ʔiʔṵɲexpof small animals wiggling, e.g., minnows1.6Animal
óupʔṵpvcover over -food, etc.syncrứpúp7.3.7Cover