atâng xéiq atéiq crêngʔatɤŋ sḭʔ ʔatḭʔ kreːŋdial. var.atâng xay atayq crênggrown up; matureidiomgrown upTốq dyê ngéq atâng xéiq atéiq crêng cốh cantóuh akeaih parchôq pôc papéinh.When grown up the group of nine invited each other to go shooting.
a1ʔaːvtsay; declare; judge; argue a caseCư a may pê.I declare you lost.
a-1ʔaː1n.kin.pfxprefix for kin termsAvóuq: Vóuq Hiên cốh ivóuq Dưc tưi.Grandfather: Grandfather Hien is Dưc’s grandfather too.As seen in the example, the parvóuq 'grandfather title' drops the a- while the possessive form replaces it with i-. Kinterms usually occur with a-, except when they are used as titles, or when replaced by i- indicating possession.2n.pfxprefix for body partsAnáq dyoat dyưng, lâyq châm tarlúq; anáq apúq ti lâyq châm tarteic,...Although crippled leg, so can't pull each other; although swollen arm so can't carry each other,...Most nouns that begin with a- never drop the a-, making it questionable whether it is a prefix for them. However, others, such as kinterms and body parts often do, but never as citation forms. Some rules for dropping a- still need to be worked out.
a-2ʔa:v.pfxcausative prefixVaih > Avaih.Appear > Create (cause to appear).Cf. abôn ‘get’ with bôn ‘have’synpa-
a-4ʔa:1v.pfxnegationMay ính cha lâyq? Abéinh.You want to eat? No.Cf. avaih ‘PA neg’ with vaih ‘appear’2prep.clitto
a=1ʔaːpro.clit1dative to/forIdóng ado cun kin amêng cun kin.They give to him half and to me half.Mêng pachou, mêng bôn amêng.Self takes home, self takes to-one’s-self.Precedes one-syllable pronoun. ado precedes two-syllable pronouns.; Sometimes found written separately in texts, as either a or o. 23pacưunspec. comp. formʔakɯːproto meDyoun acư au.Give to me.1SG dative.cfaday9.2.3Pronounsamayunspec. comp. formʔamajproto you2SG Dative9.2.3Pronouns
a=2ʔaːadv.clitso as; resultative state; adverbializerA–o i–at au; A–o ipôc au!Stay well! Go well!Lư ahôi téng.Keep on really well.Contraction/clitic form of o before one-syllable verbs.unspec. comp. formabưihbưih1
a-átvare living“Achau amâh amâh ngai khoiq bôn cha achéiq, bôn cha a–ât, bôn boaiq, ma nháng a–át inéh lâyq yốh ibôn cha r–ay amâh."Grandchild, everything others already get to eat birds, get to eat animals, get fish, but we are living like this, don't yet get to eat anything.
Aaʔaaːexclexclamation of endearmentAa, a–em achai parláng bư! Ipe acâp liêu tou bôm.Do not be deceived, my dear friends.
abarʔabaːrcardnumsecondCốh do ân abar dyeal campay amoui cốh ma do cốh cucheit tưi.So the second (brother) took the wife of the first, but he died too. numbers
abayh1ʔabasnfishing poleDyê píq tuloui, dyeal abayh, pôc babayh tốq daq clóung.After digging worms, take fishing pole, go fishing at a pool in river.synabéihredup:babéih abéihtaoq6.4Hunt and fish