adáhʔadahvtfear; be fearful, be afraid ofDo lư adáh cuxéinh.He’s very afraid of snakes.Do adáh pôc.He’s afraid to go.antdáh 1synaxêucallaqrt-v:claqndáhcfcarân3.4.2.4Afraid
adâh1ʔadɤhsp. var.adớhprep1dative to; of; forInha avaih chom kiên adâh acrây he.You don’t know the authority of our Vietnamese. (or towards?)A–ây ndo cán Khál--pưt padoq, adáh adâh tông day nnâh tangcóng tangcoang dyê amoq.Like mother of Khal's large goiter, afraid fearing it say, "I’m a married man, sister."Assumed to be inalienably poss’d form of ado. cfado11Cmpddoapâhcl:náq9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions9.5.3.2Recipient (of a patient)2in order toIkếh ma dáng atóuq acân ichou i–át adâh cammóung ipôc táq.Like that when it got hot we would return and stay at home in order to go work industriously.
adâh2ʔadɤhprtonly; at all; completely; go aheadNdóung ân yôl uih ngkếh idứh, kếh ngai xear trâm adâh tốq daq.When there was still fire, they got down under the water, wallowing completely in the water.Idứh lâyq bôn amứng uxứp, u–át adâh, u–át nhóung ntréinh.Previously didn’t have bark clothing to put on, he lived bare, he was watching lice (bare chested).tô adâhid.toː ʔadɤhinterj1stop completely; forget it completelyAnáq i–âq boi, acóuq, ao iêm ma tô adâh!Although lacking salt, bush knives, and clothing but forget it period!synthoui 1thoui 2