Pacoh - English


abayh2ʔabasvtfish with poleCư át abayh dáng clóung lư pưt.I was fishing at a very large pool.6.4Hunt and fishPC
abángʔabaŋnbamboo shoots, sproutscfcammúc1.5Plant1.5.5Parts of a plant
abáng pheoʔabaŋ phɛːwnbamboo shoots, sproutspk; pl
abâmʔabɤmnstart of shoot before tassel of bananas1.5.5Parts of a plant
abârʔabɤrvtspin threads together, make ropesynxárcfcléinh1nomi: calléinhvéinhnomi:parvéinh; invol:tavéinh; pk dial.:vánh6.6.1.2Spinning thread
abaơtʔabɯ̰ːtviexaggerate; slanderAcâp tông abaơt ado do cốh.Don’t exaggerate about him.synapiênsit:tông apiên
abaơt apiênʔabɯ̰ːt ʔapiənviexaggerate; slander
abel1ʔabɛːlvsextrovert; talkative, outgoing personality, friendly; musical speech, like abel; eloquentLư abel lư achai ngcốh.Very talkative/outgoing fellow there.antkhứm3.1.1Personality
abel2ʔabɛːlnone-stringed musical instrumentantkhứm4.2.3.5Musical instrument
abel2Thai violin
abel thaiqʔabɛːl thaːjʔvsworthy; welcoming; hospitable
abengʔabɛːŋnsmall branch; twigcfakeq1.5Plant1.5.1Tree
abeng taleng tandéhʔabɛːŋ talɛːŋ tən.dɛhnplarge branchantngarngeq ngarngứcspec:akeq ngarngeq ngarngức
abéinhʔabḭɲvtnot to wantDo cốh abéinh cư bôn.He doesn’t want what I have.May ính cha lâyq? Abéinh.You want to eat? No.3.3Want
abêhʔabeːhnkind of squirrelsyntandayhcfadyoppl dial.: taryơngatơtamplátcl:lámtaryơngtilêidiom:a tilê ât tilê1.
abêhkind of squirrel
abeatʔabḭatnkind of birdNgai veng parúng achéiq abeat ân trang dáng tua iri ngcốh.They chased the bird that roosted in the top of that banyon tree.
abílʔabilnmouse; ratcfpardúngcl: lámparxáp1.
abílmouse; rat
abíl anhéihʔabil ʔaɲḭhnsmall rat1.
abítʔasṵŋ ʔabitnthorn, barb1.5.5Parts of a plant
abouʔabṵːnowlcfcuróuqpa dial.:curốq1.6.1.2Bird
abouih laoʔabṵːs laːwnwhite-breasted kingfisherHalcyon smyrnensis fusca1.6.1.2Bird
abóhʔabɔhn1ashessynrlóuccfamóui5.5.5What fires produce2kitchencfaxóng5.2.1Food preparation6.5.2.7Room3familycfnnúng4.1.9.8Family, clan