Pacoh - English


abóh apéhʔabɔh ʔapɛhn1kitchen2family
abônʔaboːnvtget, hunt, trap and catch fish, birds, animalsAchai abôn boaiq alứng cư.Big brother got fish with me.Causative of bôn. 6.4.2Trap7.4.3Get
abôn boaiqʔaboːn bṵajʔvpcatch fish6.4Hunt and fish
abơʔabɤːvt(leave) lying around
abơnhʔabɤːɲnwhiskers; beardNhar nham abơnh.Of full, thick; pc
abơnh beauqʔabɤːɲ bḭawʔnmustacheNhar nham abơnh.Of full, thick beard.2.1.1Head1.6.2Parts of an animal
abơtʔabɤːtvtaccuse falsely
abulʔabuːlnearthen cooking pot5.2.1.3Cooking utensil
abúngʔabuŋnthornless, long sectioned bamboocfahocl: ntrayhalecl: ntrayhatangcl:ntrayhclaongcappheourangcl: ntrayhuráng1.5Plant1.5.5Parts of a plant
abuaqʔabuəʔnbrain2.1.1Headpa; pk
abuôiqʔabuəjʔvsdisintegrated; broken to pieces, torn to shreds, mashed up (fruit); fallen apart (overcooked meat)2.5.3Injure7.5.2.4Remove, take apart
abưcʔabɯːkvsrot--of tree, wood, cloth
abưihʔabɯːsunspec. comp. form ofa=2bưih1bưih1
acʔaːkvtplay destructively; fool around withAcâp ac achiu.Don’t fool around with a knife.R–ai át ac ayoun.The tiger was playing with the rabbit.synpơaicfprayh 12.5.3Injure4.2.7Play, fun
aca2ʔakaːnkind of fish1.6.1.5Fish
acaiʔakaːjnstrong smelling bush, sometimes has red blossoms1.5.5Parts of a plant
acamʔakaːmnchaff; rice husks; hullscfalácaxâq1axeinhpk dial.: axánhoum troinstr:adêngpiróung6.2.6.1Winnow grain1.5.5Parts of a plant
acayʔakajpoet. var.aconn.kinchild; childrenS, D.synrcaycfachaucl:lám; title:chauachânpl dial.: achet; pa dial.: chatachecl: lám4.1.9Kinship
acay aconʔakaj ʔakɔːnn.kinchild; children
acay acóuyqʔakaj ʔakṵjʔn.kinchild; children
acay carroqʔakaj kər.rɔːʔnpcalfsynamaơm1. animals
acay cánʔakaj kann.kindaughter4.1.9Kinship