Pacoh - English


acay counhʔakaj kṵːɲn.kinson4.1.9Kinship
acay mátʔakaj matnpupil of the eye2.1.1Head1.6.2Parts of an animal
acay pôngʔakaj poːŋn.kinfirstborncftanditôm2spec:campay tômtuhatuloiqpl dial.: tulouiq, parlouiq4.1.9Kinship
acay tandiʔakaj tən.din.kinsecond-bornsyntandicfpông1spec:acay pôngtuhatuloiqpl dial.: tulouiq, parlouiq4.1.9Kinship
acay tarríhʔakaj tər.rihnillegitimate child; bastard4.1.9.5Illegitimate child
acay tiriaqʔakaj tiriəʔnbuffalo calf1. animals
acay troʔakaj trɔːnseedlingsPaddy rice is recent innovation in mountains, so this is a made up word.synmma tro itrứh1.5Plant1.5.1Tree
acay tuhaʔakaj tuhaːn.kinthird-born childsyntuhacftandituloiqpl dial.: tulouiq, parlouiq4.1.9Kinship
acám1ʔakamncrabsyncadyơcl: lám1.6.1.9Small animals
acám2ʔakamvtillustrate, speak in parables, picture language, use examplesDo tóh itông ma dơi lâyq cammáng, arâq ibaq atao ân atiêh pláh aploang.He is repeatedly spoken to but still doesn’t listen, like sucking flat sugar cane, insipid.Tốq mo tarúm clóuh tốq cốh anóuh tun.Wherever needle pierces thread follows. (Said of a child that always follows--like a shadow.syncadyơcl: lám3.5.4.2Saying, proverb
acángʔakaŋvsbluff; cliff; slope; inclineantclúng2sit: clúng clang1.2World
acáq1ʔakaʔn.kingreat grandmother4.1.9Kinshippa
acáq2ʔakaʔngrain (reference to rice spirit grandmother, i.e. female Lord)syntrocl:callong; pa dial.:chro1.5.5Parts of a plant
acáq3ʔakaʔquantevery; eachNgéq ca acáq pe cumo, ca ngay ca dau cư dơi xay ve ipe.All of three years, both day and night I instructed you.Ngéq ca acáq pe cumo ngai pôc.Each and every three years they go.syncứp
acáq4ʔakaʔn.kingrandmotherMaternal grandmother, if distinguished from acáq_lom. cficáq14.1.9Kinship
acáq lomʔakaʔ lɔːmn.kinpaternal grandmother4.1.9Kinship
acânʔakɤnadvlater on; after while; futureAcân ibư cư pôc.Later, in the afternoon I go.cfnxíq 1sit:mâh nxíq8.
acâp1ʔakɤpconjexceptAcâp itíng ape ngcốh, cư lâyq tông ado nnau.Except for them, I didn’t speak to anyone.synclâtnưm
acâp2ʔakɤpimpernegative command, ‘Don’t’; forbidApe reang ngáh hóng acâp dyoun achít ngốh cốh tốq hóng.They filled the mouth of the hole so not to allow No.10 to get out of the hole.syndyoqnomi:padyoq, pardyoq; recp:tardyoq; rep:dyidyoqêq1cfdyoqnomi:padyoq, pardyoq; recp:tardyoq; rep:dyidyoq4. permission
acâp táh patôiʔakɤp tah patoːjphDon’t move it around; keep things where they are
acâp táqʔakɤp taʔvpdon’t do itCốh udyoq, tông, “Acâp tal, acâp táq pha nnéh dúng day.”So you forbid, say, “Don’t chop, don’t ruin this my house.”pa; pk; pl
acâtʔakɤtadvlie, falsecfa–oairecp:r–oai3. a lie
acâyqʔakɤjʔadvin order to be prepared in advanceCantóuh ân tanghoar doq thoar acâyq dyoun ngai chom parnai ân tốq mammát.The prophets announced in order to prepare them to know matters in the future.