ayóungʔajṵŋvs1tallO lư a–ứm, apong pưt tôm ayóung.Very good corn, large ears, tall stalks.antng–êpcfiyóungtoiq38.2.2.2Tall2highMay xâr ticu ntúq ân ayóung taniêng.Climb up and sit in a place high above.cftâl yâl3figproud; self importantYang Rbang a–ính, chíl do ân tacang ayóung dyoun tou cốh hôi tubéiq clât ngai.God resists those who speak proudly, putting self smarter than others.anttưp lomcfhóung móuhsit:pi hóung móuh4.3.2.3Proud
ayốhʔajoh1negnot yetInô apây ayốh pôq, ayốh châm day ayốh.Yesterday grandma didn’t go yet, not yet able, I not yet.Negation or alternative question marker.syncáh yốh 2pl dial.:lâyq yốh2ynqyet?May ính pôq ayốh?Do you want to go yet?pc; pa