Pacoh - English


ayóungʔajṵŋvs1tallO lư a–ứm, apong pưt tôm ayóung.Very good corn, large ears, tall stalks.antng–êpcfiyóungtoiq38.2.2.2Tall2highMay xâr ticu ntúq ân ayóung taniêng.Climb up and sit in a place high above.cftâl yâl3figproud; self importantYang Rbang a–ính, chíl do ân tacang ayóung dyoun tou cốh hôi tubéiq clât ngai.God resists those who speak proudly, putting self smarter than others.anttưp lomcfhóung móuhsit:pi hóung móuh4.3.2.3Proud
ayóung mátʔajṵŋ matadv.tmid morningcfingay 18.4.1Period of time1.1.1Sun
ayôʔajoːvpraise, complimentAcâp ayô bôm.Don’t praise yourself.Thought of calling the Psalms Ayô-bâq. antayêrecp: ryê yê
ayô apâlʔajoː ʔapɤlvtpraise, compliment
ayôhʔajoːhvtlong for; wish forHe át ayôh tumúh aliêh ipe.We are longing to meet you again.
ayôihʔajoːsadvvery beautifulO ayôih maiq do cốh.He/she is beautiful.
ayôngʔajoːŋadvpso farItôi ayông te cantóuh nnéh.Move so far away from this bunch.
ayôrʔajoːrvraise to feet; cause to stand7.3.2.4Lift7.1.9Move a part of the bodypa
ayốhʔajoh1negnot yetInô apây ayốh pôq, ayốh châm day ayốh.Yesterday grandma didn’t go yet, not yet able, I not yet.Negation or alternative question marker.syncáh yốh 2pl dial.: lâyq yốh2ynqyet?May ính pôq ayốh?Do you want to go yet?pc; pa
ayốngʔaʄoŋvshigh, tallpk
ayơqʔajɤːʔayaơqloinclothayouqloinclothnloincloth; skirtcfnnairt-v:dai; cl:plah5.3.2Women's clothing5.3.1Men's clothing
ayơq ayóhʔajɤːʔ ʔajɔhnloincloth; skirt
ayul yealʔajuːl jḭalnswing7.2.2.8Move back and forth5.1.1.2Chair
ayúnʔajunnbaby-basket of woven bambooMade to strap baby in and to hang so swings
ayúrʔajurnflesh hanging like cow’s neck; dewlap1.6.2Parts of an animalpa
ayuaqʔajuəʔnmillet1.5Plant1.5.5Parts of a plant
ayuôhʔajuəhvtwishAyuôh ipe bôn táq pưt li ape ngcốh.Wish you were important like them.
ayư1ʔajɯːvremember; wake up3.2.6Rememberpa
ayư2ʔajɯːviwake up, arise; awaken5.7.3Wake up5.7.1Go to sleep
ayưiʔajɯːjntree termitecfcaxau1.6.1.7Insect
ayưnʔajɯːnndance--squatting (doing knee bends sideways)4.2.4Dance
ayưn anóuqʔajɯːn ?anṵʔndance--squatting (doing knee bends sideways)
ayứnʔajɯnnswinging basket for baby