Pacoh - English


aclangʔaklaːŋvspermanentDúng xu aclang lalứh.A permanent home.antidơ
aclang lalứhʔaklaːŋ lalɯhvspermanent
acláhʔaklahvtfree; set free; cause to escapeYang Rbang acláh do cláh te ân diêiq túh.God frees them to escape from difficulty.
aclânʔaklɤnvtrescuecfarôq 2synl:cưuq
aclouʔaklṵːnsmall catfishcfangiêt1.6.1.5Fish
aclóuq aleqʔaklṵʔ ʔalɛːʔvitired out for nothing, e.g., went on “wild goose chase”
aclốqunknown??" Hơ–ơih ngai dyôn lư achiêng tiriaq lla ngki avaih day ính, may váq, aclốq day axêu rmaih vi dâh, day adáh rmaih vi."Wow, they truly offer an elephant, buffalo, and whatever there I don't want, you borrow, ?? I fear rhinos indeed I do, I fear rhinos indeed I do.
acluʔakluːnedible root1.5Plant1.5.5Parts of a plant
aclu apiʔakluː ʔapiːnturnip; beet1.5Plant1.5.5Parts of a plant
acolʔakɔːlordnumeighth (used mostly in story telling)synticolpa pc dial.: tacol8.1.1Number
aconpoet. var. ofacay
acongʔakɔːŋnstick insectLonchodes
acoubecause??Ngcâp ngâh rpô ngcâp iphân biêt ân ngai dúng veil acou day pứq ma cáh ngâh padyang iyóung llong ma cáh ngâh paxóq. ‎Don't divide don't discriminate between people and communities because I am big but cannot cross over, a tall tree but cannot climb up.
acouhʔakṵːhnskull; boneAcouh plô.Skull.1.6.2Parts of an animal
acoumnincluding(?)Acoum loi nôiq mbein taq, carrong dyíng ngéq nôiq tiriêq alic veil ngki cleang ngéq tốq dúng avaih dyoun ngốh taltiêhIncluding further all iron nets fences, et cetera, all together buffalo, pigs of that village all close to houses were not allowed to go outside
acouyqsp. var.acoyqunspec. var.acóuiqtigerntiger
acoyqsp. var.acóiqsp. var. ofacouyq
acóhʔakɔhvthit with knuckles, stick, pencil, etc.; knock (on door)cfngéngnomi:parngéng; recp:tarngéng; rep:ngangéng7.7.1Hitpa
acóiqʔakɔjʔsp. var. ofacoyqsp. var. ofacouyq
acóuhʔakṵhvthit with knuckles, stick, pencil, etc.; knock (on door)7.7.1Hit
acóuiqunspec. var. ofacouyqtiger
acóuqʔakṵʔdial. var.acốq3bushknifenbushknife; bushhookcfachiu6.7.1Cutting tool
acốq1ʔakoʔnbushknifeAchát acốq la iki cadyéq achát axeo achát, cadyiq acốq axeo acốq.Axe bushknife like that: take hold of an axe fear the axe, take hold of a bushknife fear the bushknife.cfachiu6.7.1Cutting toolpa; pk
acốq2ʔakoʔvsbashful; shy; humbleNgâh cammáng têq do ân padúng táq lla tou lom pallúng chom dyám chom acốq.Pay attention and obey your master with a heart that knows to be respectful and humble.synlâyq cốq3., timid