achaiʔacaːjn.kinolder sibling of same sex; brother-in-law (m.s.) or sister-in-law (f.s.); also used as term of reference between unrelated fellows or unrelated girls, in which case age is not as important.Dáng néh vi a–em achai tông nám thét ahe.Here there are younger and elder brothers and sisters to tell if we do wrong.Xai xeam.Older and younger siblings.not used of siblings of opposite sex4.1.9Kinship
achapʔacaːpvsangry; wildAcóiq achap. Peh cardáh nlám.Tiger was angry. Picked up and bit one.Like bull that gores
achárʔacarnshield-but; dor beetleNám cray tatúc cốh lư nnáq, át tốq tua along.If it’s bumped it really stinks, stays in top of plants.cfanhuih nhiêihCatacanthus incarnatus1.6.1.7Insect
achângʔacɤŋ1vtmeasure arm spansCa adyưng ca ati, rpang rkhơang do achâng, lâyq hôi itứp, câng.All feet and hands, he measured, unable to bury, difficult. (This translation--could be a verbal use.)Approximately five feet, or height of average man.cfbar tidacât2chuapacóngparchuart-v:ROOT8.2.8Measure2narms spanPôc mâh nxíq loi ape patouh loi cốh chom mâh chít achâng.Going a little further, they dropped it again so they knew (the depth) was ten arms breadths.
acheicʔacḭːkvs1tart, cause to pucker; bitterantngngamfig:cang ngngamcfadyóqfig:lom pallúng adyóqaháratauqpl dial.:atóuq2.3.3Taste2figharshAcâp itáq cang ân acheic aháq alứng campay.Don’t make tart speech with your wife.