achít1ʔacitordnumTenthNdo Achít bôn péinh llám araiq, cốh ma ndo Achít ntâm dyê bôn péinh, cốh bôn chou axuôi, át pân ape. Cốh tốq ape, Tông, "Mmo Achít dyê?" Achít tông, "Nnéh day". Tenth got to shoot a big grasshopper, but Tenth had shot his early, then had returned first and waited for them. Then they arrived and said, "Where is Tenth?" Tenth said, "Here I am."Capitalized to refer to the number ten son.8.1.1Number
achiêcʔaciəkn.kingreat great great grandfathercfachúh3cpart:ayán; pa dial.:achehachuôihcl:náq; cpart:achêh, acáqa–ámcpart:a–i; cl:náq, lám; title:par–ámavốq 1pl dial.:avóuqayáncpart:achúh; pa dial.:aye4.1.9Kinshippk